Comment of the Chapter:
Wow I would hav thought someone heard from the hallway &thought they were gettin it on in the bathroom. Lol idk y but that's what I was thinkin. it would add more drama 2the story idk. My mind works werid.
Thanks to Meme_hello17 for introducing that thought into my head. I totally didn't plan that. But I seriously rolled on the floor laughing because of that.
Chapter Fifteen: Elves Bite
“No measure of time with you will be enough, but let’s start with forever,” Liam said seriously as he looked down at me with a smile on his face.
I glanced at him in shock for a moment, but there was something about that line that sounded familiar. “You ripped that off from Twilight, didn’t you?” I asked him suspiciously as some commercial replayed into my head.
“No,” he replied with a ‘duh’ tone. “I got it from Breaking Dawn.”
I rolled my eyes at him as I purposely stepped on his foot.
“But aren’t you glad you said yes?” he asked, totally ignoring the fact that I was slamming my foot onto his as we, or rather he, continued to sway mindlessly to the beat of the slow song.
“Umm . . . sure,” I muttered inaudibly as I looked down at my feet sheepishly.
“What was that? I can’t hear you.” Liam taunted me.
“Yes,” I said a tiny bit louder.
“Yes,” I talked normally now, but it was still drowned out by the loudness of the music playing.
“What?” Liam half-shouted now.
“YES!” I shouted in his face, immediately regretting it. The song had ended and my voice echoed throughout the entire rented room causing me to blush.
Suddenly, Liam started to laugh, but it wasn’t like his normal laugh--the cute, boyish one, but it was more maniacal and evil-sounding.
“Come on,” Liam ordered threateningly, like he did that one day in physics. He grabbed my wrist and started to drag me up the stage, where the DJ was, giving him a look.
“Wait.” I struggled against his holding, trying to make a run for this. Why is this happening? I thought Liam was a good guy.
“Hey, you’re not supposed to be—”
The poor DJ had crashed into his equipment after Liam pushed him down.
“Attention students of Willow Heights.” Liam had grabbed the microphone and started to speak. My palms started to sweat . . . was he going to tell my secret? “I have something interesting to tell you.” He sent me an evil glance. “Serena Davidson . . .”
My head started to pound, blocking out whatever he was saying. This couldn’t be happening to me. It just can’t. My vision started to get hazy because of my short breaths.
It was then I realized that I wasn’t wearing my fat suit, but a silky, black dress. I looked back up in confusion and was greeted by Liam’s face.
His body started to form into a shadowy black figure. All that was visible were the two slits of red that were his eyes. Then room turned entirely dark and only the red eyes could be seen. The only thing that could be heard in a void of blackness was my loud breathing.

Project Fat Suit
HumorSerena Davidson leads two lives. At school, she's a morbidly obese, stupid, nerdy, bitchy, slutty, and a teacher's pet. But at home she's the scrawny vegetarian pushover. What would possess someone to wear a fat suit every day? And what happens when...