Chapter Twenty-Eight:
“Are you ready?” Kurt asked my brother, smiling his stupid smile as he pulled up to a house.
“No,” I said sulkily, as I scowled at him, refusing to get out of the car.
“But you look so preeeettyyyyy,” Kurt argued, poking my face.
“Stop it,” I ordered sternly, slapping his hand away from my face.
Kurt retracted his hand quickly and hissed in pain. “That hurt!” Kurt whined immaturely and started nursing his hand. “Tom has pretty bad timing,” my brother muttered under his breath.
Kurt looked at me amusedly for a second before pressing onwards. “You know . . . your boyfriend that comes around every month?”
“What?” I repeated, looking at my brother as if he belonged in the loony bin.
“. . . The abusive one that kicks you in the uterus a couple of times then leaves? You know good ol’ Time of Month?”
It took me a moment before the joke registered in my mind. “I’m not on my period, moron,” I spat, looking away embarrassed that he mentioned it.
Kurt just laughed at me. “Sadie told me that one. Speaking of whom, I have to go meet her, so get your butt out there and meet your man,” my brother commanded me sassily, pushing me out the door of his car.
“I hate you,” I told him one last time as I got out of the car.
“No, you love me for this. You’re just too stubborn—”
I slammed the passenger door, cutting off whatever Kurt was going to say. Kurt just grinned at me through the windows and pulled out of the driveway. But as he drove off, he pulled down the windows singing, “RENA AND LIAM SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G in a tree.” The rest of the song couldn’t be heard after that.
I rolled my eyes my Kurt’s childishness before heading towards the front door. I was about to ring the doorbell, but there was a piece of paper attached to the door that said, “Rena, if you are actually here, go around to the back. –Liam”
Following Liam’s directions, I walked around back, unlatching the unlocked gate and went in. As I entered the backyard, I was met by soft music playing in the background.
Walking further into the backyard, I could see the Nelsons had a pool. Then Liam came into my sight. His back was turned to me and was sitting crossed-legged by the pool.
Did he even know I was here? He hasn’t really acknowledged me, so I assumed he didn’t.
I quietly walked up to him, afraid I’d disrupt whatever he was doing so peacefully. “Hey,” I said softly when I was close enough and poked him on the shoulder.
Maybe I felt like what happened yesterday was being repaid or maybe I just had a sick, twisted sense of humor, but I burst out laughing when Liam fell into the pool from jumping at the sound of my voice. Not to mention he accidently let out a few swear words before landing with a splash. I never saw Liam as a cusser, so it was odd hearing foul words come from his mouth.
However, my smile faded and panic grew when Liam was slashing about in the water shouting for help. Did he not know how to swim?
Acting on impulse I jumped into the water, clothes and all, and got a hold of Liam around his chest. I started to drag his towards the underwater stairs, but he started laughing.
Then I realized I could touch the ground, which probably meant he could too.
“What’s wrong with you?” I snapped, releasing my hold on him and stomping towards the stairs, which is difficult in the water.

Project Fat Suit
HumorSerena Davidson leads two lives. At school, she's a morbidly obese, stupid, nerdy, bitchy, slutty, and a teacher's pet. But at home she's the scrawny vegetarian pushover. What would possess someone to wear a fat suit every day? And what happens when...