First Challenge: Academics

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  "Kageyama!" I screech as I catch up to him in the hallway.

  Hinata jumps and tugs onto the back of my shirt. "What are you doing?" He whispers.

  I roll up my sleeves, ready to show Kageyama why he shouldn't mess with me. Although I may act like a shy girl in the beginning, but if you mess with me I can become a different person. "I'm going to teach Kageyama about respect!"

  "Ah! You shouldn't! Megumi!" Hinata tries to grab my arm, but I shrug him off and stomp towards Kageyama.

  "Hey!" I yell as he's sitting in his seat staring off at the window.

  He turns his head slowly and glares at me. "What do you want?"

  I clench my fist. "Who do you think you are? You're being so rude while I've been trying to befriend you. What did I do to deserve such treatment?"

  The intensity in his eyes never left. "Why should I care about a person who threw away their passion? Why should I care about someone who gave up something they love? If you truly cared about volleyball, why would you quit?"

  He doesn't know anything! Why should he hate me if he doesn't even know my situation! "I-"

  "You probably can't even play."

  I flinch. How dare he say that! I grab the collar of his shirt and raise my fist. He doesn't seem to flinch or falter; his eyes remain set on me. I tremble in anger as I stare deep into his dark blue eyes. "Tch! What do you know?" I let him go with a slight shove.

  He turned his head.

  "M-Megumi..." Hinata comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder.

  "I'm not going to lose to you, Kageyama!" I yell. "I'm going to show you how great of a setter I am! I'll show you that I can play! And I'll also show you that I'm better at everything you do including school work, video games, cooking, and things like that! I won't lose to you!"

  He narrows his eyes. "You're an idiot. I'll never lose against a girl like you."

  It was as if there is electricity running through our glares, indicating our rivalry.

  "I'll show you," I mutter under my breath.

  Kageyama sneers. "You'll never beat me especially when it comes to any type of sports. It's only natural."

  "Shut up."

  The bell rings.

  "Hey, hey, let's stop fighting you two..." Hinata says nervously.

  We don't say anything nor move, but when our teacher arrives, I am forced to sit down, looking at the back of Kageyama's head.

  And this will be the start of the Queen versus the King of the court.


  I'm going to show Kageyama that I'm better than him in academics, I think to myself. We took a test last week and our teacher told us we would be getting the results today. I poke his back with the end of my pencil.

  At first he ignores me and continues listening to our teacher's lecture about how the results varied and if you failed, you would have to retake it after school.

  I sneer and poke him harder, seeing the pencil dent into his shirt and skin. He snaps. "What?"

  I grin playfully. "How about we make a bet? If you fail, I'll tutor you, but if you beat my score, then I'll acknowledge your academic skills." I am quite confident with this test because I studied my butt off before it.

  "No," he says simply and turn his head away.

  I pout. I see how it is. I sigh, "I guess you have no confidence in your academic skills. Your scores must be on the brink of failing because I said if you fail, I'll tutor you. I didn't say anything about you getting a lower score than me. If you pass, I won't do anything, but I guess you already know you've failed." Okay, maybe it's not good to provoke him, but his attitude is pissing me off and I can't just sit here and do nothing. And also it's because another part of me still likes him and wishes to see the true Kageyama.

  Kageyama clench his fists into a ball and snaps his head toward me. "I am confident that I didn't fail. Like I said, I'm not going to lose to an annoying brat like you." With those words, he faces the front and finds his test paper face down in front of him. He doesn't flip it over, probably afraid of the results.

  I wait for mine to get to me and flip it immediately. 92! Great! It's not a perfect score, but it's an A nonetheless. I notice Kageyama also flips his paper and he becomes rigid. I look over his shoulder, but he must've felt my presence and presses the paper back on the desk.

  I poke his back. "Hey, hey. What did you get?" Don't tell me he actually failed this test? It wasn't as bad as it seemed.

  "A score," he mutters and slouched down in his chair.

  I blink. Oh, now he's lost for words. What could he have possibly get? "I know you got a score, but what is it? I got a 92," I say quite pompously and smile.

  His eye twitches. He mutters something.

  "What?" I lean forward.

  "... nine."

  "I still didn't hear you," I sing playfully and lean even closer to where my butt is off the chair."

  "A freaking 69," he mumbles.

  I'm silent for a moment, taking it all in. A 69? What an interesting number and excuse my slight pervertedness. I snicker. "A 69, huh? Interesting... You were just one point away from passing. I'm sure you're not a man that takes back his word, so I'm assuming you'll let me tutor you."

  "Hell no." He states immediately.

  I roll my eyes to the side. "Whatever..." I mutter under my breath.

  Suddenly, our teacher steps next to Kageyama and says, "I need to talk to you after class," and walks off.

  Well, that can't be a good sign. "Are you sure you don't need tutoring because I can help you "

  "Shut up. Your voice is annoying."

  I give him a look. What did I ever do to him to make him treat me this way? I bet he does treat Hinata like that unless... Could he be gay? No. No I shouldn't think that way! He couldn't possibly be, but what if he is? I stare at the back of his head, but sense nothing. Eh, he's probably not. I'm just over thinking things.

  I leave him alone until the bell rings. I watch as Kageyama is being led out in the hallways. When he's gone from my sight, I head over to Hinata. "What did you get?" I ask while pressing a hand on his desk next to the paper.

  He smiles his toothy smile and raises the paper. "A 86! What did you get, Megumi?"

  Wow, he did better than Kageyama which is quite surprising. "Awesome! I got a 92."

  "Whoa! That's amazing! I never really get A's. I mainly get B's and C's,  but at least I'm passing!"

  Heh, unlike someone in this class. "Seems like you're smarter than Kageyama."

  He tilts his head like a confused puppy. "Why do you say that?"

  "Well, let's just say he didn't get a good score."

  Just then Kageyama enters the classroom looking red in the face. He storms up to us with his head down and bangs covering his eyes. Beside me, I can see Hinata shiver from the sudden attitude and is frozen in his seat. I stay put when he stands in front of me and raises his eyes with an intense gaze. "Fine. I'll let you tutor me but only for a week until I retake my test. After that, I don't want to see your face after school ever again." At those words, he stomps his way back to his seat.

  Ha! Success! That's what happens when you get a bit cocky! I dance a little inside my head, but calm down because it might ruin my usual composure. One challenge down, a few more to go.

The Queen vs. The King of the Court (Haikyuu!! FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now