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 I wake up, finding Hinata and Kageyama standing by my bed. Hinata had his usual smile while Kageyama looks slightly annoyed. "What are you two doing here?" I sit up and notice how sore my ankle is. Seems like I can't go anywhere today.

 "We just came to visit and see how you're doing!" Hinata exclaims and pulls out a tiny gift from behind his back. "After the game, we stopped by to this little shop and decided to buy it for you. Well, Kageyama was the one who chose it and we split the profit."

 My eyes land on Kageyama and I find him bowing his head with a slight blush on his cheeks. "It doesn't mean anything," he muttered.

 I take the little gift box and lift the lid to reveal a necklace with a silver volleyball pendant. My eyes sparkle just by seeing it and a huge smile comes across my face. "Thank you!" I reach out towards Hinata.

 Hinata leans over and takes me in a tight hug. "Kageyama! What are doing just standing there! Come here!" He exclaims and grabs Kageyama by the arm and forces him down to eye level with me.

 Our faces are so close to each other to the point where I can feel his breath against my cheeks. I flare red and want to move away, but since Hinata is holding me tightly, I can barely budge. Instead, Kageyama pats my head and turns his head away.

 Once Hinata lets me go, he says, "We also came here to give you company since I'm sure you're lonely."

 Not really. I was sleeping peacefully just moments ago. But of course I didn't say that, so I just smile. "Well, thanks for the visit, but there not much you can do at my house."

 "That's why we're heading to my house!"

 "What?" I can barely walk and he wants me to go to his house?

 "I brought Kageyama with me so he could carry you. At first he refused, but I convinced him afterwards. So, do you want to go?"

 What the heck? What is going on? Will my parents even allow it?

 It's as of Hinata read my mind because he says, "I asked your mom already and she said it's fine as long as you come home safely and before the sun sets."

 I hesitate. It's not that I don't want to go... Okay, maybe I don't want to go, but then there's nothing to do at home either. I heave a sigh. "Fine, I'll go."

 "Great! We'll be leaving once you're ready! Let's go Kageyama!" He drags him out of my room.

 I hop on one leg around my room to get ready. I even hop to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. The only problem I have is going to the kitchen. I sit on my steps and slid my way downstairs where I find my mom talking to the two boys. Hinata is completely comfortable with her while Kageyama is slightly awkward. When I come down, he gives me a look of relief.

 I stand and put less weight on my sore foot. "I'm ready."

 Hinata bounds up to me. "Do you want me to get your shoes?"

 I nod.

 He heads to the front door and grabs it for me.

 My mom smiles. "Have fun and don't forget to call me when you leave."

 "I won't forget."

 Her smile seems to grow.

 Hinata returns and since I'm still sitting on the stairs, he gets on his knees and slips on my shoes. When he's done, he turns to my mom, "Thank you Mrs. Sakamoto! We'll be going now!"

 Kageyama heads up to me and turns around. He does the exact same thing yesterday, but this time his grip on my thighs were lighter.

 I wrap my arm around his neck and smell that same scent on his skin.

The Queen vs. The King of the Court (Haikyuu!! FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now