Chapter 4: Sleepy Troye

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Happy Little Pill-Troye Sivan

Fall in Love-Phantogram

Chapter 4:

Troye's POV

I'm on my plane to go to the UK, where I'll be staying for two weeks where both of my crushes will be. This trip should be fun. At least Zoe will be there. I mean, it is her apartment, why wouldn't she be there...

But anyways, I have quite a ride ahead of me I'll have some time to sort out my mind. I have some pros and cons about Tyler and Connor. Tyler, super cute, stylish, fun to be with, someone who I can talk to for hours about anything and it won't be awkward, and not to mention he's actually gay, but then some cons would be that I've tried to make it work with him, or get more of a romantic rather than friendly relationship out of him, but I don't think he wants it.

Now Connor, super cute, stylish, fun to be with, but I don't feel like we could read a hummus fic together, (if you don't know what that is look it up) and have it not be awkward. With Tyler, we laughed about the whole thing. Now it's a joke we have. A major con with Connor is that, he's not gay. He's actually as straight as a pole. He could get any girl he wanted. I feel like I'd be wasting a major part of my life obsessing over Connor. Someone I can't have.

My plane is landing now. Pretty soon I will get to see Ty, and Connor. I'm really excited, but really nervous at the same time. As you already know...

After I'd thought every little detail about this dilemma, I finally made a decision. I'd chosen who I wanted. But right now, I have to catch a taxi to Zoe's, so...

Zoe's POV

Tyler just told me awesome news. He likes Troye.

The last time I saw Troye, we had a conversation about Tyler like this.

A few months ago, Troye liked Tyler. But Tyler thinks Troye likes someone else now. I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I have to for Troylers' sake. We have to get them together. They would be so cute.

Troye's POV

As soon as I got a taxi, I texted Zoe that I was on my way, and I'd be there in like 20 minutes.

I was so nervous. I shouldn't be though. It's a group of my closest friends. None of them will judge me for anything.

20 minutes later

I arrived at Zoe's. When I walked through the door, Zoe, Korey, and Tyler were sitting in the living room chatting. As soon a Zoe saw me she popped up from her seat and gave me a huge hug, Then Korey came up gave me a short little hug.

But then came Tyler. He was wearing the gray Mickey Mouse jumper I told him I loved on him, with the maroon skinny jeans that make his butt look good with a black beanie to top it all off. He looked so hot. He came up and I dropped my stuff and we gave each other the biggest, warmest hug that you can give someone. He whispered in my ear ,"I missed you," seductively, then I said, "I missed you too," right back, even while we were still hugging, and Korey and Zoe were watching. Zoe had the largest grin on her face.

I said, "What you've never seen people hug like that?"

"Umm, I'm afraid not... But it's okay. You two are happy to see each other. I understand."

Then she said, "Sorry, but, we don't have enough rooms for everybody to have their own , so you'll have to room with Tyler. Will that be okay?

"Yeah, I'm okay with it if he is." I say.

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