Chapter 11: Blue Gatorade

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Greyson Chance-Thrilla in Manila

Chapter 11

Troye's POV

Ahhh. Tonight has been the best. I overcame my fears, and well, I can now officially say I'm no longer a virgin. Although I did hear a conversation between Zoe and Tyler that was mind boggling. Doesn't he know how much I love him?

You know what... I have a major headache right now so I'm going to go to sleep.

2 Hours Later

I wake up to a quiet giggling Tyler.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" I ask.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry babe,"

"It's like 3 in the morning. Go to sleep," I whispered.

"Well. I couldn't sleep... But I suppose if you had your arms wrapped around me I could."

He put his laptop down next to the bed.

I grabbed him and pulled him into my embrace.

"Were you watching one of my videos?" I whispered sarcastically into his ear.


He was.

Next Morning

I wake up to Tyler twirling my hair with his fingers. He also had his hand and head on my chest. I love waking up like this.

I slightly moved, and Tyler lifted his head up.

"Morning babe," He said while putting his head back down on my chest.

"Morning Tilly" I said while trying to sit up.

It didn't work. Between Tyler laying on me and my excruciating headache, I didn't think I would be getting out of bed today...

"Does your head hurt babe?" Ty asked me.

"Yes, a lot." I say.

"Come here," He said while standing up and walking across the room to his suitcase.


"I have something that will help."


He handed me a blue Gatorade and pain reliever.

"Gatorade?" I said

"Yeah, the electrolytes in it help your head feel better."

"Okay Doctor Oakley"

"Hey. That's Mr. Doctor Oakley to you." He said while walking out of the room to the kitchen, laughing.

I rolled my eyes at him but he was already out of the room. I tried to chase after him, but hell, I couldn't even stand up. So I decided to check out some other youtubers videos. I checked Marcus' first to see if anything new was up. Nope. Then I checked Twitter. Nope. Tumblr. Nope. Instagram. Nope. Facebook. Nope. Okay. I'm good for now.

I heard the doorbell ring. I should probably start getting up. The Gatorade was starting to help.

I check my hair in the mirror and run my hand through it. Messy, but cute.

Fuckkkk. It's Marcus. He used to be one of my best YouTube friends. Now I'm just nervous of what he's going to do.

When I was coming out, I was nervous that people wouldn't like it, that they wouldn't accept it. Now, I'm doing the same thing to Marcus. That's not fair to him. I need to get over this phobia that Marcus is going to take Tyler from me.

I went and sat on the couch near the TV. Everybody else did too. Tyler sat next to me and intertwined our fingers. This made me feel superior. Maybe if Marcus saw that we were serious, he'd back off.

Marcus stood in the middle of the floor like he had an announcement.

"Guys, I have something to tell you. I've been thinking this over for a while now, and I figured that you guys are my closest friends... So I've decided to tell you that... I'm bisexual."

Everybody was so happy, congratulating him including me. We wanted him to feel welcomed. And normal.

Well. If he came out to us, then... That must mean social media next...

Tyler and I only have a few days alone left together. Then we go on lads' holiday for 4 days. Then we part in our separate ways. I really don't want to... Well at least Vidcon is only 4 and a half weeks after we have to leave each other.

2 days later

"Everybody ready to go?" Louis asked excitingly.

"Hell yeah!" Caspar said

And a chorus of other yes's from slightly less excited people.

"Okay guys, be safe. Don't be dangerous!" Zoe said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Alfie said.

Zalfie hugged and kissed goodbye. And soon enough. We were on our way.

This was going to be an amazing experience. But, only four days left with ty...

I'm starting to get really sad thinking about this. So I won't think about it anymore. I'll cherish the time I have with Tyler, while I still have it.

A/N: Sorry for short chapter...

And, if your not familiar with what gatorade is, its a sports drink that tastes really good all the time, and people generally categorize them by color.

Btw im from the usa, so sorry if i use slang or something you dont understand...

Oh! and three in a day? Im trying to make up for not posting in like a month

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