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I've stayed in Japan for a week now. The only servamp left to find is Envy. I'm sure he knows, but power wise he may not. It was night, and I waited until I knew Michael was asleep. I had to do this alone, otherwise it could get complicated. I sat on a roof looking over the entire area. This was the easiest way to find him. Envy was a recluse with a strange blonde man as his Eve. I saw them, then jumped down and ran after them. As I was almost directly over them, I yelled out his name, "Envy!". The man turned to look at me, and the snake made eye contact with me, "Envy, I need to speak with y-" and everything went black.

When I woke up, I had an idea of where I was. It was a Japanese room, I heard a voice somewhere nearby. I sat up, feeling pain in my head. "Mmm, why am I here? Last thing I remember is running away from a man that attacked Michael and I. How did I get from Italy, to what seems to be Japan? This is confusing". I heard the door open, and looked to see two people. One was of average height, blonde hair, and was holding a doll. The other had three bags on their head, and seemed to be about 8 feet tall, and wearing all black with some sort of gun ammunition around their waist. "Who are you? Also, am I in Japan?" I asked. "Did you loose your memory? That's not good" the blonde spoke, "I have my memory! I know who I am and where I'm from! I remember a man attacking Michael and I. After that, I don't know what happened". The tall person took a small step closer to me, "When did this happen to you" "When? June 18th. Why?" "June 18th? That was over a month ago! Who is this Michael you spoke of?" the blonde asked. "Michael? he's my friend. I helped him when he was dying of starvation. He's my servamp". "Servamp? So that's why you knew who we were. Miss, the three of us got attacked. You must have been searching for us. That was 12 hours ago. We need to find your servamp. Which one is it?". "You want to know who my servamp is? Let me think. Let's see, you talk quiet, and you hide your face. He's told me who everyone is. Why can't I think of your name? I know there is Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, then you must be Envy! You know Envy, if you think about my accent and appearance you should know who I'm the Eve of. He's usually in the country I'm from, so I've heard. Do you know?". Envy stood in silence, thinking, I suppose, "You must be the Eve of Gluttony. I had no idea he was in Japan" "I've known him for about two years, only one of which knowing he is a vampire. Now tell me, where am I? I need to get back to him, I'm sure he's worried".

I stood up, only to fall back down. "You're probably weak from hunger or exhaustion. Stay here, I'll get you something to eat" the blonde said, leaving the room. However, Envy stayed in the room."You said someone attacked both you and Gluttony" "Yes. He seemed crazy. From what I remember, I think he wore some sort of traditional Japanese clothing, even what he wore on his feet. He had black hair and red eyes, and seemed to know Michael. Michael had never seen him before". "That was Tsubaki. He says he's a servamp, the 8th. Our creator never told us about him" "The name Tsubaki sounds familiar. I've heard it somewhere before". "For now, eat. Then we can search for that loudmouth" "He's only a loudmouth because you are always quiet. I do understand what you mean, though". The blonde returned soon with a plate of rice, meat and some sort of sauce, "What is this?" I asked, "It's curry. How do you not know that?" "I'm from Italy. Obviously, I've never had it before! You are an idiot!". "I can see why you are his Eve now" I heard Envy say, "That is so mean! Why am I getting bullied? I'm the guest here!" I started crying, and I couldn't stop. "Wha! S-sorry, please stop crying. We didn't mean for it to be mean. We're sorry!" "You're not sorry! I know you aren't. Don't lie to me!".

Michael (Gluttony) POV
I woke up in a panic this morning. Alex wasn't anywhere to be seen! I've been searching ever since that moment. It's past noon, getting close to 1. If I don't find her, I don't know what will happen. She'll die eventually from the separation limit. I don't want that to happen! Not to her!

I started to hear crying in my head. Why was she crying? This wasn't good. I started running, and it seemed to get louder. Wait. It wasn't just in my head, she was close! But where was she? I stopped in front of a building that the sound seemed to be coming from. No way, please, anyplace but here. This is the only Eve I don't like. I found a window that was ajar. I jumped up to it, and got inside. I stood in human form, trying to figure out where her crying came from. It was upstairs, along with another person panicking, it sounds like. I went back to my animal form and ran. I ran between his legs, seeing her. I jumped in her lap, and she stopped crying. She removed her hands from covering her eyes and looked down at me, "Michael? Is that really you?" she asked. Her face was red, telling me how upset she was. I jumped to the floor next to her and turned back to human form. "Alex, what happened? I woke up to see you dissapeared. Then I start hearing your crying. Why were you crying?" "They were mean to me. Especially the blonde one! Your brother, not so much". I took her hands in mine, "What did he do, Alex?" "He thought I would know what curry is! I've never even heard the name before! Like an Italian like myself would know that!".

Things like this made her seem like a kid, she could be so cute sometimes. Who would think they would meet an adult like her. Looking at her serious face, I could only laugh, "Pffft hahaha! You're so cute!" I pulled her to me and held her in a hug. "Lui è così fastidioso" I heard her say. I nodded my head, "fastidioso". I picked up the plate that was on the floor and took apart the chopsticks. Picking up a piece of the meat covered in curry sauce, I held it up to her, "Try some. You might like it" "Never. I will never eat that! Not in the rest of eternity!". "Fine. Don't eat". I ate the food and looked at her, "Fine! I'll try it". I smiled as I picked up another piece, then I held up the chopsticks for her to take the food. Her eyes widened in shock and her face twisted in displeasure. She covered her mouth as she ate it. "That's spicy! Why didn't you tell me!" "Oh, I forgot. Sorry" "You did not forget! You did that on purpose!" "Yeah? At least you ate something. Are you okay? We were separated for so long". She sighed as she looked up at me, "Why are we here? I've forgotten more than a months worth of my life". "That can't be true! That means the last thing you remember is-" "Being attacked by some crazy person wearing Japanese clothing". "Come on, we have to get you back on a plane to Italy! It's the only place this can be solved!" Michael yelled in fear for my well being.

Getting up with his help, the two of us make our way downstairs. "You'll be okay, don't worry. Once we get back, being around family will help. We need to hurry" Michael yelled in a panic. The two of us moved as quick as we could to get to the airport.

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