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"What do you mean there aren't enough tickets going to Italy! We have to get there on this flight! It's an emergency, lady!" Michael yelled at the attendant. "Michael, stop. You are causing a scene. Let me handle this" I said, placing a hand on his arm. He looked down at me, "But Alex-" "No. I'm going to handle this weather you like it or not". I turned to the lady, "Miss, is there one ticket to be sold?" "Yes, there is, but it's-" "I don't care about price or location, I'll take it!".

After buying it, Michael and I walked away. We stood in a corner, and I looked to see that no one was looking at us, "Okay, turn into animal form. We can both get on the plane that way" "Okay, are you sure about this?" "It has to be done. We have to get out of Japan. This the only way we can. It's dishonest, but we have to get away from the danger. I don't remember what it is, but you've said it multiple times on our way. I also found this in my belongings" I said holding up a card. It had the name Arisuin as the holder's name, and it was a purple Visa card. "How did you get that!" "I dunno. I just had it". He sighed in frustration, "I guess we'll use it. We are almost out of money".

We were in a high class area of the plane, somewhat away from everyone else. Michael was in my lap as I slowly drifted off to sleep. I woke up, shivering for a moment. It scared Michael, as he had jumped a bit. "Oh, sorry. Are you okay Michael?" "I'm fine. We should be close to landing by now. Are you ready?". I nodded my head as I looked out the window, "I'm glad to be home soon. Why were we in Japan ?" "The threat. He calls himself Tsubaki. He won't hurt you since you are so far away. We'll go back to Japan to help once you've recovered. Until then, you just take it easy. Being home should help get those memories back".

I eyed Michael as the television set was on a random channel. He looked paler than usual, that usually means he hasn't had blood in a while. I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my button down shirt and pulled away the flap to reveal my skin, "Michael, look at me" I said, grabbing his attention. He looked at me, only to immediately look away. It was just as I thought, "Michael, you need blood" "I won't! I could make it worse if I do!". I sighed as I stood up and walked over to him, "We both know you need it. We both don't want you hurting other's because of it". "I don't care! You're more important than any other human!" "I thought you'd say that" I said as I sat in his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rest my head on his chest. He easily let his urge for blood take over, and he bit into my neck, breaking the skin with his fangs. Once he was done, I smiled up at him, "Honestly, you can be such an idiot sometimes. When you need to eat, i'm here for you. Don't hesitate to tell me, okay?". He wiped the blood that was dripping down his chin, "Okay, if you say so".

I stayed in his lap as we watched a movie that came on. It was about the legendary man who changed the food industry. I loved the idea of working in a kitchen, and that's why the two of us get along pretty well. "Why do you think I lost part of my memories?" "I can't give you an answer to that. Did they tell you anything when you woke up" "Yes, actually. They said someone attacked us. Maybe that could be why". "Yeah, could be. You'll be fine, I know you will".

I nodded my head as I stood up, "I need to go buy some things, you coming with me?" "Of course I am! Where are we going?" "To get food. I'm going to try another recipe" "Great! Let's go then!". I laughed as he eagerly pulled me to the door, "Wait, I can't forget my keys inside". I got out of his grip and grabbed my car and house keys. I opened the passenger and he jumped up in his animal form. I quickly got in the driver's seat and started the car, "Okay, you ready?" "I always am!" he said in his high pitched animal voice. Smiling, I backed out of the driveway and made my way to town.

I walked around finding everything I needed. Flour, eggs, onions, tomatoes, various herbs and more. Everything fit inside four bags as we made our way to the car. "Well Michael, I'm going to make more spaghetti. This time I'm switching out one of the ingredients. I hope you're ready" "I can't wait! I know it'll be great! Every meal you make is fantastic!" "I'm glad you think so, off we go then!". He jumped to the passenger seat from my side, then I started up the car. I saw a few droplets of water hit the windshield as I backed up. As I drove down the highway, the storm got worse.

It was dark out as I neared my exit. I put on the signal, then someone hit the back of my car, causing me to lose control. The car swerved between the two lanes of traffic, then I hit the back of another car. This caused me to be lifted in the air, the car went tumbling off the highway. When it stopped, I was buckled in the seat upside down. I fealt an immense throbbing in my head as I looked at Michael. He had taken human form and was looking at me. He looked scared. I imagine I look the same. As my vision was fading I looked him in the eye. "Michael, I-i remember. I remember what happened. Everyone....is in danger. I'm s-scared" I saw tears in his eyes as my eyes closed. He said something, but I couldn't hear what he had said. I only saw his mouth move, and then everything around me went black.

The Gluttony PairWhere stories live. Discover now