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My name is Alex, short for Alexandra. I live in Italy, out where the farms are. I live just outside one of the major cities. I make my way to the city every day for school and work. One day I found a young piglet in the dirt in a parking lot. It looked so helpless, I had to help it!

This happened a year ago, and the little guy has stayed around. I always study outside, and he always lays down next to me. It's almost like he knows what I'm doing, and wants to be by my side. One day I was getting in my car to leave when I felt a tug on my jeans. I turned and saw the piglet standing in front of me. "I can't stay. I have to go to school. Now stay here" I placed him in the grass and went back to my car. I felt another tug and sighed, turning around. "I said you need to sta-" I stopped talking and stared at what was in front of me. A man with white hair and an assertive aura stood in front of me. "W-who are you?" I asked, "Alex! You can't go today! It's too dangerous! You could die if you go!" "What are you talking about? Who are you?" "There will be a tornado that touches down directly at your school. I won't let you walk to your own death!". He began to pull me to an unknown destination, "Stop this! Let me go!" he didn't listen, and continued to pull me. I didn't want to resort to violence, but I had to. I formed my free hand into a fist and threw a punch at him. There was smoke where he should have been, and I didn't hit anything. I heard a familiar 'oink' below. The piglet sat there, looking at me. "No way. This is impossible! How could you be, how could you be able to turn from animal to a person?".

Turning back into the man, he looked at me with sad eyes, "I... I wanted you to know sooner. I couldn't tell you with everything that has happened to you in the year I've been around. I can explain everything later. Right now, you need to follow me!". He began pulling me again, then we went somewhere deep underground. It turned out to be a wine cellar. "When are you going to explain yourself?" I asked, "Just hold on. Stay quiet". I sighed and sat on the floor. There was no knowing how long this would take. It was a half hour before he would explain anything. He sat down in front of, "I'm what you call a servamp! That's a servant vampire to the person they drink blood from. I'm the sixth out of seven servamp. I'm called World End of Gluttony" "Gluttony... does that mean you are one of the seven deadly sins?" "In a way, yes" "Can you tell me all of the servamp in order?" "Sure! There is Sleepy Ash of Sloth, he's the oldest. Then Old Child of Pride, Doubt Doubt of Envy, The Mother of Wrath, Lawless of Greed, then it's me, and finally, All of Love of Lust. We can all turn into different animals!" "Okay, I want you to tell me everything about servamps".

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