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Alex POV
I woke up feeling terrible. I was in some sort of run down shack, Michael was asleep next to me in human form. I looked outside to see it was bright and sunny. I would wait until he woke up. Something must have happened last night, I wonder what it was.

It wasn't too long before he started to wake up, "Michael, what happened at Demmy's? I don't remember what happened after apologizing to Mahiru.  I'm thinking... maybe we should let Tetsu and Hugh know what's going on if they haven't been filled in" "No need to worry, Hugh is always well-informed because he has so many subclass around the world. You just want an excuse to see them, don't you?" "So what if I do. That's not a problem, is it?". He shook his head no, then we made our way to the hot springs. Once there, we couldn't find them anywhere, "Maybe Tetsu is at school? I guess we wait for their return". So we busied ourselves by reading the books I had brought along, "Since you love the food I make, maybe you can learn to make it. It's not too hard" "Mmm, maybe. I like reading about it, though". he said as he was spread across the floor, reading the book I had given him.

While Alex read out in the sun, she didn't see how close she was getting to the edge. She eventually fell to the ground, letting out a scream. Michael looked up and didn't see her anywhere. "Alex? Are you okay?" he asked, but got no response. He stood up and walked out into the sunlight, turning into his piglet form. Walking over to the edge of the walkway, he stood by the book and looked around. He heard a moan and looked down, seeing Alex with black swirls in my her eyes, she was knocked out cold. "Seriously? I swear this happened not too long ago. You are so clumsy" Michael said, speaking to the unconscious girl. It was less than ten minutes later that Tetsu showed up, holding the casket with Hugh inside. Michael ran out from the shade, "So you've finally come back! She's been wanting to see you, but don't ask me why".

An hour later, Alex woke up and slowly sat up. She looked around the room and saw Michael sitting in the corner, "Michael? What time is it?" "Do you even realize how long you've been out? It's 7pm!" "W-what! That's crazy! I'm sorry, you should have woken me up. I guess we should leave". She stood up and walked to the door, only to be pulled back, "Alex, you realize there is an immediate threat here, don't you? In Japan. If you don't want to fight, we can't be here for too long. Make your decision soon" "I don't want to fight, but I enjoy being around the other servamp and their Eve's. there isn't an in between here. I have to either leave them and go back to Italy, or stay here and eventually fight. We've fought him firsthand, so we know what we are up against. Could you handle it? More fighting?". Michael sighed as he let go of her arm, brushing a hand through his hair, "I don't care what happens to me. I just want you to be happy. I wouldn't care if I could no longer heal myself, as long as you are content, I could die with that. You know, if I could die". Alex nodded her head at his response, "Okay. I guess we should leave tonight. Are you okay with that?", Michael nodded his head before answering, "Yeah. Although, shouldn't we leave someone with the information we know? Who should we tell?" "Yes, I'll tell Hugh. Poor Licht,  I had wanted to see his concert too. Oh well " "Yeah, guess I'll have to cancel my plans with Lawless. Oh well, we should go".

Alex POV
I walked out of the room with Michael close behind me, on his phone sending a message to Lust. We walked into a room to see Tetsu and Hugh. "Tetsu, how are you?" I asked him, he looked up at me from where he sat on the floor, "You're awake...Oneesan" I turned to meet Michael's eyes, "Did he just say grande sorello in Japanese?" I asked. Michael nodded his head, "Yes, he did".

A/N: grande sorello is Itallian for big sister (based on Google translate)

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