Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I came home from work Thursday night, to find everyone in their normal areas. My mom was in her room, and my Dad stayed in the living room, which since my parents separated is now his room. Then for Mckayla she was always a good 500 foot radius away from the house.

"Hey dad, daddio, dad-o-roo." I said as I flopped down on the sofa next to him.

"Want do you want and is it expensive? He said while surfing through the channels and sipping on his beer.

"Can I go a date?" I asked with a smile. You see the problem is that I've never had a proper date so I wasn't shocked when my dad's attention was directed to me with a fatherly look.

"With who?" He asked sternly.

"Luke." I said.

"Mm." He said unsure.

"Didn't you say you like Luke?" I said to convince him.

"Yeah that was before he was trying to take my daughter out on a date." He said, I blinked my eyes and gave him a convincing smile.

"Ok fine, be home by 12 but I want to have a sit down dinner with him."

"Ahhh, thank you, thank you, thank you." I said as I gave him a big hug. I ran up to my room and threw my book bag down on my bed then quickly changed out of my blue uniform polo. I slipped on some gym shorts and a white tee. I belly flopped down on my bed and grabbed my backpack to get started on this shitty homework. It's around 7:30 and I'm sitting on my toilet scroll through Tumblr. I did my business like an hour ago so now I'm just sitting here. I should probably get up and get dinner, no fuck that I'm going to go get dinner. I pulled up my pants and washed my hands with soap and warm water, then went down stairs, to smell my mom's chicken. On the counter was an already made plate equipped with corn, mashed potatoes and baked chicken. I did my little happy dance as I entered the kitchen to get a fork and a knife. I grabbed my plate and then headed back upstairs to my room. We only eat at the table like once in a blue moon, but since my parents are separated we never eat at the dinner table and honestly I scared for when Luke comes to eat dinner with us. I sat my plate on my bed and grabbed my Nikon. I started scrolling through some of the photos I took. I grabbed the connecting cord to transfer some photos over to my computer. I also sent some to my phone so I can upload then to Instagram. I ate most of my food, and by the time I was done it was only 8 o clock and I still had time to kill so I painted my nails. I painted them black; all expect my index finger which was gold. I did the same with my toes with the big toe gold and the rest black. Once I was done it was almost 9:45 so I figured I might as well go to bed. I did my before bed rituals which included, washing my face and brushing my teeth. I pugged my phone into the charger, and tucked myself into bed. Falling sleep hasn't been an easy task for me. I usual end up crying myself to sleep, because the horrid events that have happens keep replaying over and over again in my head and I just tell myself, I deserved it all. This is not happening tonight, I looked into my inside my med cabinet inside my bathroom to find an empty box of Benadryl. The other items I had inside were Advil, allergy medicine and acme cream. I grabbed the bottle of Advil, and poured some in my hand. I estimated about 7 or 9 inside my hand. I thought if one can make you a little bit sleepy 9 can my make me go to bed. I threw the reddish brown pills inside my mouth and swallowed them all, then went back to laid down in bed.

"Isabelle." I heard the sound of my mother's voice calling me from down the hall.

I threw my blankets to the other side of me as I slid my way out of bed again. I walked down the hall and I felt like hallway was moving. I stayed in place for a couple of seconds and closed my eyes shut. I opened them again and everything was fine until I started walking again but by then I made it to my mom's room.

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