May: Chapter 5

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"I really wish you'd stay off that leg," he mumbled.

We'd been walking for only about half an hour and hadn't made it very far thanks to my bum leg. The plan was to make it to my Jeep -which was about halfway between Parker's house and the one I'd left Oakley in- to speed up the process.

I grimaced as I took another step. "Let's find a little red wagon and you can pull me all the way to the other side of town."

"Good idea. Keep an eye out," he said and I glanced at him. He had to be fucking with me. "There are a lot of places here in town we can search for food."

"There was still a lot in that grocery store," I added, glad we weren't dwelling on my injury.

The left side of his face scrunched up - a look of doubt. "Probably shouldn't go back there."

"Why not? Leaving all that back there, that'd be a waste."

"Look, we're not the only people here, you know," he answered. "Those three guys yesterday? They don't even scratch the surface. This town is crawling with them."

"Then why do you stay here?"

His expression suddenly turned hard and he looked straight ahead as he walked. "Unfinished business."

I sighed and shook my head. I had no idea what he meant by that and I wasn't about to pry, but I wasn't about to let the previous conversation drop either. "Teach me to shoot first. Then we go back to the store and get more supplies. And if there's anyone there... I'll be prepared."

"No. Too dangerous."

I groaned in aggravation.


When we reached the ramp where I'd left my Jeep, I pointed it out to Parker.

"Next to that big yellow thing," I said, squinting against the sun.

"Stay here, I'll bring it up," he said. "Keys?"

"Oh," I mumbled absently, reaching into my bag and fishing out the keys. I tossed them to him.

"I'll be right back." He emphasized the last two words, like he thought I was just going to bail and leave him with my vehicle.

I scoffed as he turned and started jogging toward my Jeep.

When he was gone, I let out a groan and leaned heavily against the nearest vehicle. I peeked down at my aching thigh, but saw no fresh blood. That was good, but it sure felt like it'd ripped open again.

When Parker pulled up, I jumped in the passenger seat and then directed him back to the house.

Finally we made it to the other side of town and I pointed out the house to him. Everything looked just like I'd left it. All the doors were shut, no windows were broken. I felt relief.

We walked up onto the porch of the house where I had left Oakley. I knocked on the door, but she didn't answer. I knocked again, growing impatient.

We waited a while longer and I was beginning to panic. I glanced at Parker, terrified. I tried to keep the pathetic look out of my expression, but I was afraid it leaked in a little.

He took a step back and put a hand by his pistol. Then without a word he kicked the door open, pulling out his pistol while he did so which made me think of every cop movie I've ever seen. I ran into the house.

She was standing on the stair's landing, holding a teddy bear in one hand. I closed my eyes lightly and sighed as she came down the rest of the stairs while Parker stood on the porch behind me.

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