October: Chapter 37

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A busy week passed. 

Since Charlotte's comment about how we were a part of this community, Parker and I felt we should do more to contribute. So while he volunteered to help with the expansion, I offered to help out with guard duty. Apparently it was a pretty popular gig, because they only gave me one shift a week -on Wednesdays from two in the afternoon until ten o'clock at night at the West wall. My first shift had been pretty uneventful. I only had to shoot one Feral, giving me the opportunity to practice my shooting skills with a long range rifle. But while it was quiet, I enjoyed it. Maybe it was the solitude, I didn't know, but I definitely wouldn't mind doing it every week. 

On top of guard duty, I offered assistance with meal preparation, because honestly one shift a week on the wall wasn't enough for me to feel like I was contributing fairly. 

Construction on the additions hadn't started yet. The week had been full with finding the supplies and welding metal together in the shops. Several sections were complete, and in two days they'd officially begin building.

Busy past week, busy weeks to come. 

I'd been so used to having all the time in the world to spend with Parker, that this change in our schedule was a little jarring. This morning, however, neither of us had any immediate plans, so we were taking advantage of the sparse alone time. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door accompanied by Chris's voice.

"Anyone in there?"

We froze, our labored breathing quickly filling the abruptly still room. Parker lifted his head and shoulders off the mattress to glance at the door, then settled back down, rolling his eyes and sighing in an oh shit, I forgot sort of way. 

"I was supposed to meet some of the guys at the south wall. Go over the plans for the first addition one last time before Monday."

"They can wait."

We began to move again and I struggled to suppress a moan, tilting my head back, my hair falling over my shoulders and hanging down my back. The metal bed frame creaked with each roll of my hips -something I wasn't really aware of until I knew there were people standing just outside. Surely they knew... 

I tried not to think about that. I just needed to focus on sensation and block everything else out. 

His hands on my hips, fingers pressing into the skin. The way he pushed upward each time I ground down, creating friction in just the right spot. His face -dark eyes hooded and watching from beneath me, soft lips parted just slightly allowing small sounds of pleasure to escape from his throat-

But there were distractions now. Shuffling footsteps right outside the door. Quiet chatting. Muffled snickering.

"Yo, Parker," Chris called. "It's eight thirty seven, which makes you exactly thirty seven minutes late."

Parker squeezed his eyes shut with a small annoyed groan, but we continued on. Certainly if we didn't answer, then they would leave. 


His hands moved up my back, pulling me down to him and I wove my fingers into his hair, kissed him from shoulder to neck, let him roll us over so my back was against the mattress and-

Repetitive knocks.

"Are you coming?"

There was an explosion of hissing that could only be the guys trying to hold in their laughter.

"Can you hear me, man?" Chris called. "I asked if you were coming!"

"God fucking damn it." He leaned back onto his knees, running a hand through his hair and shouted toward the door in aggravation, "Can you give me, like, one minute?"

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