Chapter 4

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"Oh Hello there" he greeted sounding extremely friendly. Startled of the sudden sound of a voice I turned around to see a young man smiling while looking at me. "Ah- He-Hello" I said, still not really realizing what just happened. "Do you need something?" he asked kindly. "Ah not really. I heard that you just moved in and I thought I should greet my new neighbours at least" I answered smiling. Woah. I thought that the new neighbours were just some random adults that moved but instead it was a young man probably about my age. "Oh that's really kind of you. Thank you! Do you want to come in for a coffee?" he asked. I didn't want to be rude and decline the offer so I accepted it. "Ah and I'm very sorry about the mess here. We just moved in so we hadn't had the time to unpack everything. I hope it doesn't bother you too much" he apologized sounding really sorry. We? Does he live with someone else? "No, no I don't mind it at all" I said. He then sighed relieved to hear my answer. "Oh I noticed that I haven't introduced myself properly. I'm Kim Namjoon. I moved here with two close friends of mine" he introduced himself while bowing. "And I'm currently alone because the other two are outside buying groceries." Namjoon explained. "I'm Fileva Raya. Nice to meet you" I said smiling and also bowing politely. "Please make yourself comfortable" he said leading me to a small couch. "I will go and bring you the coffee" he offered. "Ah yes thank you" I replied.

I looked around and noticed that their apartment was much bigger than mine, obviously, because they live in threes. Everywhere were still unopened boxes filling the room. The young man named Namjoon them came with two cups of coffee. "There are two cubes of sugar in the coffee. I hope I didn't put too much or too less sugar in it" he said worryingly. "No problem. I drink almost all kinds coffee" I replied easing his worries. We both quietly drank our coffees. It was a quite awkward silence until he began to speak. "Do you want to exchange numbers? I mean as neighbours, please don't misunderstand" he said while becoming shy and regretting what he just said. 'Cute' I thought. "Sure why not" I answered. After exchanging our numbers we talked a bit but that little talk turned into a very long conversation with jokes, stories and all kind of other things. Soon almost 2 hours have passed since I came here. Namjoon's phone was suddenly ringing. He took it out and picked up the call. "Yeah hello Tae?" he said. "Yes, mhm. Ok I understand. Sure. Good, see you!" Namjoon continued and then hung up. "My friends who also live here with me are coming soon. They finished shopping their groceries" the young man explained. "Wow. They took 2 hours to shop groceries?" I said while laughing. "Haha yeah, they are pretty immature and clumsy. I don't even know how I got them to go shop for groceries" he answered also laughing. "Then I think I should leave now as your friends are coming soon and I don't want to bother you guys" I said. "No not at all. You can stay till dinner if you'd like to" he kindly offered. Just when I wanted do decline the offer kindly the door opened and two other young men came running into the apartment. "I was first!" one of them shouted. "No you were not. It was certainly me!" the other answered back. Then it looked like they were fighting, pushing each other around. "Boys! We have a guest here so you better behave!" Namjoon scolded harshly. "What? What are you talking about? I don't see any- oh" the slightly taller one said. "Ah sorry. The race was idea his idea" the boy said pointing at the slightly smaller one. "What?! No of course it was your idea! I'm maybe immature but not as immature as you" the other boy said. "But-" the taller one began, refusing to back up but was interrupted by Namjoon. "TAE, JUNGKOOK! I'm warning you!" he said in a quite dangerous tone. Both turned around only to see a really angry Namjoon.

I suddenly gasped, almost choking. All three of them turned to me. Two looked confused and one of them had the same look on the face as me. We looked at each other quietly. Silence. " guys know each other?" the boy named Tae or Jungkook asked. "Ahm we... yes. We met at a bus station. She got lost and asked me for help." the bus station boy explained. "Ok and what's so shocking now?" the other boy asked not quite understanding. "I honestly don't know. Maybe because we're coincidentally neighbours now?" the bunny smile guy said trying to find a answer. "Okay then congratulations or what?" the boy said sarcastically. I couldn't talk the whole time with that beauty standing right in front of me being my f*cking new neighbour. OH. MY. GOD. "Raya? Are you ok? You look pale" Namjoon asked me with concerned eyes. "I- ahm y-yes I need to go now. It was really fun. Thank you Namjoon. Have a nice evening!" I said while bowing and literally running out of the apartment. What has just happened?!! The boy from the bus station is now my neighbour?! I quickly opened my apartment door and rushed into my room. I throwed myself on the bed and started to realize what just happened. I took my pillow, slammed it into my face and rolled wildly back and forth on my bed. The feeling that I have right now is so indescribable. Happy. Nervous. Confusion. Shock. How do you put this feeling into one word? Do I really like him? How can I confirm it? I have never been in love before...
Lost in my thoughts again I began staring blankly at my wall. I shook my head and smashed it into my fluffy pillow.
After calming down a bit I got the feeling that I have to tell this Annika, Nora, Lena and Louise. Then I will hopefully feel better. With nervously trembling hands I took out my phone and texted in our group chat.

 With nervously trembling hands I took out my phone and texted in our group chat

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    After chatting for a while I called them on Skype and we videochatted for almost 2 hours

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After chatting for a while I called them on Skype and we videochatted for almost 2 hours. It made me really feel a lot better. Having friends are great. But sometimes they can easily make you life just harder than it already was. Just sometimes. Maybe that's the price of having great friends. Anyway I'm willing to pay it 100%.
I realised that I was extremely hungry so I went downstairs to make dinner. Today I made pizza. While eating I looked at my phone and chatted with Jimin a bit. I thought about telling him about today but since he didn't tell me about his crush I won't tell him this for now.

'Did she like the present?' I wrote.
'Yes, she loved it. Thank u~ <3!' he replied
'So when are you going to introduce your crush/girlfriend to me? >.>' I asked him.
'What do you mean?' Jimin wrote.
'You know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)' I wrote back.

Then he went offline. Ha! I caught you Park Jimin. I looked at the time. 10:57 pm. I should go to bed now because tomorrow I have school. Yay. Love it.

A/N: hellooo :) thank you for the good feedbacks on this story <3 I really appreciate that >.<
btw I the chats were selfmade with editing, it took me quite long to make them so I hope it was at least realistic ^^

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