Chapter 5

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It was morning and I did what I do every single day. Kind of boring, I know but that's how I lived my life so far. Until what happened yesterday. That was definitely NOT boring AT ALL. It gave me a heart attack. I mean how much of a coincidence do it takes to have HIM as my neighbour?! Is it fate? Well I hope so but I'm also kind of unsure. Then my phone interrupted my thoughts as my friends texted me. It said things like: "Do you saw him?" and "Did you both talk or something?"
I wasn't in the mood so I ignored the messages for now and dressed myself ready to go to school. When I wanted to open the door and go out I suddenly became very nervous so I stopped my action. What if I see him? Will he go to the same school as me?! That would be great but extremely awkward at the same time. Well for me, I don't know about him. I slowly opened it after a few minutes thinking and peeked out the door. No cute boy with bunny smile. Good. I sighed in relief. Satisfied from the view I walked out confidently but just when I almost passed my new neighbours door, it opened. The young, handsome man called Namjoon came out. He was a little startled by me standing right in front of his door as he just opened it. "Are you going to school now?" he asked smiling. Aish. I cursed at myself for always having the worst timings. "Ahm yes, I am" I answered him smiling awkwardly unlike him. "Oh ok. Were you really feeling okay last night? You were kind of pale and reddish in the face." he kindly said confirming my health. "I- ahm...was feeling a little sick so that's why I wanted to go quickly" I answered him finding a excuse. "Oh I see. Hope you are feeling better now" Namjoon said with a concerned look. "Yes, much better. Thank you. I have to go to school now so see you" I said and waved him as I ran because I might miss my bus if I didn't. Then I heard him screaming 'Bye, have a good day at school!'.

Waiting at the bus station I thought about the other boys that were living with Namjoon. Do they go to school? I know that Namjoon doesn't as he just has graduated. He told me that in our conversation last night but he didn't talk much about his flatmates. I wanted to know more about the boy with the brownish hair but I guess I have to search for informations by myself. After getting on the bus, driving for about 12 minutes and a little bit of walking I soon reached the gate of my school. There I met my super curious friends named Annika, Nora, Lena and Louise. As soon as I wanted to start talking they already overwhelmed me with bunch of questions. I answered every single one of them except the ones that couldn't be answered.

When we reached our classroom everybody was weirdly whispering something to each other. I asked a girl what was wrong but she won't tell me. So we five just went to our seats and sat down. Then the bell rang and our homeroom teacher came in. "Good Morning everybody! I am here to tell you good news. We are becoming two new students today" she announced.
Oh no. Please god no. I saw the door opening so I shut my eyes and prayed even harder. Soon foot steps could be heard, followed by the 'woahhh' from my classmates. A few began to speak and argue about who would sit next to them. "Shhh please be quiet!" our teacher scolded. "Now could you please introduce yourselves to the class" she said. "Hello! Nice to meet you. My name is Jeon Jeongguk but you can also call me Jungkook." the first one said being obviously a boy. "Hi! I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. Tae is also ok." the other introduced also sounding like a boy. But damn was his voice deep. Wait. These voices. They seem kind of familiar. I have heard them somewhere. Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung...Jungkook...Taehyung...Tae-
Oh no. Jungkook and Tae?! No, no, no this can't be happening. I already had a idea that it was them but I prayed so hard that it wasn't true. No god why. My eyes were still closed, not daring to open them. Then Louise pushed me and I had to open my eyes. She told me how handsome and cute the boys were, especially this Taehyung. I couldn't show a reaction to her because I was still so shocked. I turned slowly to the direction of the two boys to confirm it that it was surely them. My mind told me to think twice. When I turned my head 45 degrees I could finally see them and just in that moment our eyes met. Why?! Why does this always happen to me?? He also looked a bit shocked from my presence. "Mr. Jeon? You can sit right over there" our teacher said as he pointed a few seats next to me. "And Mr. Kim? You sit there please" he said. Louise was pouting as she saw that this Kim Taehyung's seat was far away from us. They both seated at their appointed places. Everybody was looking at them like they just saw some angels. And I have to say they are damn right.

But I still could not believe that my neighbour and my kind of bus station boy crush who is also my neighbour will be attending my school from now on. I mean can something like this be real? Well, we have the confirmation. It's happening to me right now. After class ended I wanted to go out so badly so I grabbed my things quickly and was on the way out until a certain boy blocked my way. Of course it was one of my neighbours. "So, you are going to this school too?" he asked. "No, I'm just sitting here and listening to the lessons for fun" I answered him chuckling a little because of his silliness. "Oh yeah, sorry. Hey Jungkook, come here for a bit!" he then shouted. So he is called Jungkook. Cute. No wait. Did he just called him here?! Oh god, please no. I hated him for this. But oh well at least I know my crush's name. Then Jungkook came and as soon as he saw me he slowed down a bit and looked kind of shy. "You two can talk now. I'm going. Have fun. Bye!" Taehyung said while smiling with a extremely adorable boxer smile. But then my image of him as a cute boy turned into something totally different. He suddenly looked to me and his lips curled slowly into a smirk which made me shiver. He just smiled again, turned around and hopped happily away. "So ahm, you are Fileva Raya? I mean well that's what your name tag is saying" he spoke and smiled a bit. Omg this smile. He is like a cute bunny but at the same time so freaking hot. Is that even possible?! "Ah yes I am, the name tag is right" I said finally coming back to my senses. Well, more or less. "Haha ok. Nice to meet you, Raya. Or rather nice to see you again, Mrs. neighbour" he said with a sarcastic tone. He is not just cute and hot, he is even funny. What did I do that god would send such an angel to earth and which also became my neighbour. "I think I'm going to search for Tae now. He could have been lost somewhere as I know how silly he sometimes can be" Jungkook excused himself. "Ok then see you later" I said trying to sound as calm as possible. "Yeah see you around" he replied and then disappeared out of the classroom. Well, my plan to go out of the room quickly was not so successful.
Imagine a group of girls are coming straight to your direction with a big smirk on their faces. That's what's happening to me right now. It's a not very pleasant sight to be honest.

A/N: well, I hope you liked chapter 5 :)
oh and romantic is coming soon, don't worry🌚💕

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