Chapter 7

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In the Darkness

Jungkook turned to me as he finished packing his things. "Are you ready for the tour around school?" he then asked. "Oh yeah sure. I just have to tell my friends there something very important" I quickly replied. "Ok, go ahead" Jungkook said. After getting his allowance, I hurried to them. I still have to keep my promise to them as I'm a loyal friend. "Lena, Annika, Nora, Louise, " I quickly named them "I don't have much time to explain so listen carefully, ok? The director put me in charge of helping Jungkook so I have to sit next to him and show him around the school. Any other question will be answered soon. See you!" I said without pausing between the sentences. Then I finally inhaled the missing air that I needed and rushed back to Jungkook but when I turned around he wasn't there anymore. I looked around until I saw him leaning against the door frame while watching us. 'Did he hear me??' I thought panicked. "Hm, quite interesting that I am that important. Thank you, I guess?" Jungkook then joked in a sarcastic tone. "It's not what you think it-" I replied but couldn't finish my sentence as he interrupted me. Again. That boy kind of likes interrupting people's words. "Yeah, yeah ok, I understand. Just come quickly and show me the school" he said nodding his head several times. After Jungkook ended his sentence, he stretched his hand out to me to hold it. My eyes widen at the sight. Did Jungkook just reach his hand out it for me to hold it?! 'Okay, phew calm down Raya...just...calm down' I thought to myself while taking big breaths in and out. "I- ahm, I think I can go alone..." I spoke and blushed hardly. "Oh yeah, sorry" Jungkook said sounding a little hurt. But I didn't mean to hurt him so I quickly told him "I wasn't meaning to hurt you if I did. I meant it like if I'm showing you the way through school, shouldn't I be the one leading the way, haha..." I awkwardly tried to joke but eventually messed up. "Ahm, yeah sure and you're really cute by the way" he answered smiling. "Then you're free to go ahead, please lead the way" Jungkook said while stepping aside so I can walk through the door. I, being quite surprised by his comment saying I was cute, nodded and started to move. When I went past him, he began to follow me.

While explaining the rooms and the ways to him I strangely felt something weird. Again. It was the exact same feeling when we were going back to class after talking with the director. The feeling of being stared at from the back. When I turned around to face at him he always looked away but when I turned back I felt him staring again. I mean it's not like I have eyes on my back or something like that but it's just my feeling.
Jungkook didn't talk much during the tour, he just nodded silently and didn't ask any questions. Soon I couldn't continue anymore and turned around. „Jungkook" I said. At first he was surprised that I stopped in the middle of explaining but soon answered: „Yeah?".
„I don't wanna sound selfish and so on but I just wanna make one thing sure." I began. „Ok" Jungkook simply said. „Could it be that you're distracted by something? Because you seem not really interested in the tour..." I asked. „I'm distracted by your beauty" he mumbled very quiet, for me not to hear it but I eventually heard it. „What?" I said taken aback by his words. „Nah it's nothing. I'm not distracted by anything. I'm sorry if I seemed disinterested" Jungkook replied while looking down. I decided to pretend like I didn't hear what he had said and just nodded.

The rest of the school tour was extremely awkward for both of us. Fortunately it wasn't very long since we were almost finished when that conversation had happened. „So...ahm that was everything I think" I spoke when we reached where we were at the beginning of the tour. "Ok, thank you for showing me the school. Since it's already late and dark outside, shall I walk the lady home?" Jungkook offered.
'Did he just call me lady?!' I thought unbelievably. "Thanks a lot but I think I can handle it" I said, trying to avoid another awkward situation. "You don't have to pretend being strong if you're not. If you're scared then please say so. And I'm worried as a friend too" he spoke in a quite serious tone. 'As a friend...' I thought. I know I haven't got the right to think so but I still felt a little hurt by this. "No, it's really okay, thank you" I said smiling slightly. I turned around and walked to my locker which was one floor lower.
After taking my things that I needed out, I went to the exit, Jungkook nowhere to be seen. To be honest, I lied to him because I was extremely scared. Since I was a kid I was afraid of the dark. I slowly took a step and closed my eyes. When I opened them I saw nothing but black. Great. The lights today weren't on which means it's dark as hell. And then just when I wanted to turn around and stay in the bright school, the lights went out. Shit. I panicked. "Breathe Raya, breathe..." I mumbled to myself. With shaking hands I let go of the door and crouched to a corner in front of the exit door. I hugged my knees tightly and began to cry. I felt really scared being alone in the dark. I tried to cry out for help. " me..." I barely managed to say. Minutes passed but no one came. Whimpers could be heard from my mouth. The only thing that I wanted right then was someone beside me. Someone who would say that everything will be ok while hugging me. I pressed my knees closer to my shivering body. It was a bad idea to refuse Jungkooks offer. "Jungkook... please come back" I thought but most likely said it out loud too.

Because just in that moment footsteps could be heard. Footsteps that were running and became louder and louder, step by step. "Raya? You still there? Hello?" I listend someone screaming. As soon as I heard that voice I quickly raised my head and looked for the person sounding like Jungkook. I saw a bright light swinging around. It was probably a flashlight from a phone. I didn't care who it was and replied "I am here!" with a broken voice from all the crying. Right after that the light turned towards me and blended me. That person ran to me and hugged me tightly. Exactly what I needed in that moment. "Shhh it's okay, it's okay. I'm here now" Jungkook, as suspected, said trying to calm me down. He must have seen me crying. Suddenly my vision blurred and I cried my heart out. Not minding to wet his jacket I buried my head into his chest. When he noticed me crying again, he put his hand on my head and patted it gently. It felt so good to be in his arms.
After minutes have passed I pulled away from the hug and played with my fingers being embarrassed. "Are you ok now?" Jungkook softly said, not wanting to scare me. "Y-yeah...thank you..." I replied as the last part could be heard just faintly. "Good. Then let's go" he said and grabbed my hand. I walked behind him while looking at our hands. "Jungkook..." I quietly called him. "Hm?" He replied. "D-Don't tell anyone about this...ok?" I said hesitantly. "Okay, don't worry. I won't" he answered softly. "Promise?" I added just to be sure. "Yeah promise" he said smiling
and holding his pinkie up. I lifted my other hand up and crossed it with his finger. And so we made a pinky promise.

He smiled and stared into my eyes

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He smiled and stared into my eyes. I couldn't stop blushing and so I quickly released my finger from his. Jungkook just chuckled and then turned around to continue going straight forward while lighting with his flashlight of his phone. Normally I would be still afraid of the dark but I felt strangely safe around him. Beside from that he was the boy I like, I felt like I have known him for a long time. Jungkook brought me that feeling of being protected. And   I really liked that.
I silently followed him, questioning myself where we were going. I mean he lives right beside me right? So he should know the way home I hope.
Well that is what I thought until we arrived at the place he was heading to. It surely wasn't my house. It wasn't his house either. It was a giant house looking like a palace. First, I have to say that is a really nice house but most important is why did he bring me to this house???

"Let's go in. It's cold outside" he said and pulled me by my hand. "W-wait Jungkook, why are we here?" I asked him. "Well since there weren't any buses that drive anymore I brought you with me to my parents home. Why?" he just simply answered like it was not weird at all. "You did what?!" I asked overwhelmed by the situation. "I brought you to my parents house" that boy repeated as it was like nothing. Before I could say anything more he pulled me by my hand and dragged me forward.

A/N: the both are getting close 0.o
I'm very sorry for being inactive :(
I had to do some school related things :/
but I still  hope you liked this chapter :]
Let's see what happens in the next chapter 🌚

btw thank u sfm for 122 reads <33

  [sending love to every single one of u]                                    ^3^

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  [sending love to every single one of u]

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