#6 Fight

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Me and Jungkook arrived home two days ago
While I was cleaning that time a saw some papers and crumpled them as I thought it was trash but then Jungkook asked me if where his paperwork was left
My heart beat got faster and that was the time I figured out that it was Jungkook's paperwork

Y/N: I am so sorry I accidently threw it in the trash

Jungkook widened his eyes and glared at me sharply


He said as he stormed out the room i then let my tears that I held in

Y/N: I thought he would understand I didn't know at all
- I sobbed

You were scared that Jungkook might get mad at you and started to search the trash can ( eww )
You reached for the papers and got them out you uncrumpled them but it was still useless

Then Jungkook comes back from his walk or his alone time and sees me trying to fix the crumpled paper he just rolled his eyes and slammed the door of our room

Y/N: How do I fix this? I'll just get a photocopy of it then

I went out to the internet cafe and photocopied the papers and went back home

I carefully place the papers on the table with a note and some cake that I made

Beep beep...

I picked up my phone and pressed the answer button

Y/N: Yeoboseyo? ( Hello? )

Jinyoung: Hey lil sis I have something to tell you do you mind if I take Jungkook out tonight?

Y/N: Yeah sure it's ok!

Jinyoung: Ok I'll pick him up at 7:00

Y/N: Bye Oppa!

Then I hung up the phone
Then I prepared a note for Jungkook and wrote

Dear Kookie,

I wanted to tell you that Jinyoung Oppa wants to take you out tonight at 7:00 ok make sure to keep safe kookie ah~


Then you placed it on the counter and left the kitchen and went to your room to take a nap

Jungkook POV

I heard some sleeping noises in our room and I opened the door only to see a sleeping Y/N

Y/N: Don't hate me anymore kookie I love youuu

I looked at her and she was only dreaming

She shuffled on her spot and turned her face in my direction
Then she smiled and I smiled too

Then I got dressed and went to the kitchen I went to the fridge and got a bottle of water and saw a note on the counter top and I read it

Dear Kookie,

I wanted to tell you that Jinyoung Oppa wants to take you out tonight at 7:00 ok make sure to keep safe kookie ah~


Jungkook: Hmm...I should go I don't know how much effort she put in this note

I then went up and got dressed and looked at the time


Ok I still have 3 minutes

I then went down again and wait for Jinyoung..

Then the clock strikes 7:00 am
Then a minute later I heard the door bell ring

I got up and went to the door
Then there was Jinyoung hyung standing in front of me

Jinyoung: Hey you ready?

I nod and we both went to his car


I arrived home at 9:34
And the house was very quiet and peaceful
Then I went up stairs to our room then got dressed into night clothes and went down to the living room to watch TV I took out a snack and watched till 10:00

Y/N: Jungkook? Why are you still awake at this time you still have work tomorrow ...

Then I turned my head to my sleepy wife standing on one step of the staircase

Jungkook: I'm not sleepy that's all

She nods and gets chips from the cabinet and sat down beside me

Y/N: Are you still mad at me?

She looked at me with pitiful eyes and I looked back at her

Jungkook: No I'm not mad at you anymore...it's just I was so mad at you because you threw the papers away then I figured out that you printed new ones and put them on the table

She nods and gives me a smile

Y/N: I'm so sorry for touching that was not mine kookie

Jungkook: It's ok I already forgive you

She hugs me and she leans her head on my shoulder then I kissed her head

Y/N: I love you kookie~

Jungkook: I love you too~

Then we both watched the movie then she said

Y/N: Wanna sleep now?

I nod and we both got up and went up stairs
We both got in the bed and cuddled with each other

Y/N: Kookie ah~ my dad wants us to go to Jeju island tomorrow

Jungkook: Really!? Ok I'm excited

She smiles and hugs me more

Y/N: You know we can ride jetski's there and that the were you right a boat and you have to ride that flying glider where they attache it to the boat and they make you go higher

Jungkook: Let's try all of their water activities then..

She nods and grins

Y/N: I'm so excited!!

I smiled at her and she closes her eyes

Jungkook: Goodnight Y/N
I love you you know that right?

She nods and replys

Y/N: I love you too! More than anything in the world look

I smile and closed my eyes
She scoots closer to me and kisses my cheek

Y/N: Your so cute kookie

Jungkook: Your more cute Y/N

Y/N: We both are haha

I grin and she laughs
Then she lays back down and we both cuddled she lays her head on my chest and she closes her eyes

Y/N: Goodnight I love you!

Jungkook: I love you too

Then we both fall into deep sleep


Thanks for reading my story guys
You guys are the best

Here you go another trashy chapter hope you guys like it tho!

Luv all my sweets~❤️😘

Bye guys

By the way I will make a book two of this even tho it's still halfway through the story so yeah stay tuned I'll update as much as I can

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