#10 Divorce?

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" Your mine tonight "

He was laying on top of you
You were trying to unbutton his shirt and you failed again
He chuckles and unbuttons it by himself then he unbuttons my jeans and takes of my shirt

Jungkook: Tonight I will control you....

Then he continues kissing your neck and collarbone
Leaving marks as if he was a wolf marking it's territory

Then he goes down to my stomach and plant butterfly kisses on my stomach and then he bends his hand over to my back then unclapsed my bra
Then he slams his lips on mine

Jungkook: You want me now?

I nod and moan

Jungkook: Then beg for it....

Y/N: Please do i-t no-w Jungkook....

Jungkook: Do what?

He teasingly say

Y/N: I want you to f**k me

[ Sorry about that ]

Jungkook: Your wish is my command

Then he unzips his pants then he positions in my entrance then he slowly pushes himself in me

I winced in pain since I was still getting used to this stuff

Jungkook: Just calm down the pain will go away soon

Then he thrusts in me slowly
And I was getting comfortable he starts thrusting faster and faster then the bed shakes

Jungkook: Wanna go faster?

Y/N: Yes please.....

Then he thrusts in more deeper and went faster

Then I felt a knot in my abdomen and it was a sign of my incoming climax

Y/N: Kookie I'm gonna cum...

Jungkook: Then cum for me baby...

Then we both cummed and he kisses me

Jungkook: Amazing right?

I nod and he falls beside me and he pulled the blanket over me and him

Jungkook: Goodnight baby I love you....

Y/N: I love you too kookie

Then we both fall asleep...


I woke up with a sore back and wobbly legs I tried to stand up but I couldn't keep straight

Y/N: Kookie can you help me...

He was still not moving from his sleep...

Then you shook him and he mumbled

Jungkook: Yes?

Y/N: My body hurts

Then he smirks and opens his eyes

Jungkook: Really? Need help?

I nod and sat down on the bed
He gets up and carries me down to the kitchen he puts me down on the chair

Jungkook: What do you want for breakfast?

Y/N: Uhmm.... Your choice

Jungkook: You want it as a surprise?

Y/N: Yes ...

He starts cooking


We were eating our breakfast then we heard a knock on our door

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