#39 One Kiss

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Jungkook was trailing behind you pushing the shopping cart

He was whining, about when we were gonna end this boring trip to the supermarket

Y/N: Just a little bit more kookie~ if you help me, the faster  we'll get out of here

He immediately grabs the shopping list and starts to stroll around to find baby food, diapers , wipes, etc.

He found all the things we needed for the kitchen and the twins

We both checked out and drove back home


Jungkook took out the shopping bags out from the trunk of the car

He took them in the house
You followed him and after, you took out all the stuff you bought

Jungkook: A husband should help his wife~

He mocked your voice from yesterday
You laughed and he too laughed

Jungkook: Well, I have no choice to help then, I'm the husband of a very beautiful wife~

Your cheeks were flushed and he squeezed your cheeks cutely

Jungkook: Wahh!!! kyeopta! ( Cute!! )

You punched his shoulder jokingly

The twins were dancing with Jungkook in the dance room

While you were watching them three

Y/N: Hani~ I want you to be like your dad

Jihan: Yes mommy~ I will do my best just to be like daddy~

Jungkook smiles and wipes his sweat

Jungkook: Y/N ah~ water please....

You nod and got him cold water

He drank the whole water in the bottle

Y/N: Thirsty??

He nods and you laugh

The three danced again while you rest your head against the wall

Then without noticing you fell asleep

You woke up on the bed with a blanket over you

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