#7 Shopping

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You woke up and got dressed and while you were fixing your hair
You received a text message


Jungkook: Hey Y/N you wanted a job right?

Then I replied and said

Y/N: Yes I do why?

Jungkook: Well there is a new plot space in our office so I wanted to inform you if you wanted to work here with me?

Y/N: I would love to work with you

Jungkook: Ok then I will interview you tomorrow

Y/N: Ok then..

Y/N: Hey can you help me shop for work clothes today?

Jungkook: Sure I have a 2 hour break today so yeah I can help

Y/N: Ok then text me when you are out

Jungkook: I'll pick you up

Y/N: Ok luv you stay safe

Jungkook: ok luv you too you stay safe as well

Y/N: I will bye

End of message

Then I put my phone down and got dressed and went down to eat breakfast I made myself some waffles and coffee
After that I sat down on my couch and watched my favorite K-drama


It was 12:00 and I heard Jungkook's car honking then I grabbed my purse and went out the door and approached his car and then I got in the passenger's seat and put on my seat belt

Jungkook: Ok let's go

I nod and took out my phone out of my purse and played on my phone and then I felt my tummy grumble and Jungkook smirks

Jungkook: Hungry?

I nod and he smiles

Jungkook: let's eat first ok?

Y/N: Ok...

We both went to a BBQ house and we both ate there
Then after we both headed straight to the mall

We arrived after some time then we both looked for shops which sell work clothes then we come across a place where there was work clothes

Jungkook: Let's go in

I smile at him and we both walk in the store hand in hand
The lady in the store looked at our hands and she smiled

Lady: My my we have a lovely couple here

I blushed and Jungkook smiles
At her then I rolled my eyes then Jungkook looked at me and shook his head with a smile

Jungkook whispers to me

Jungkook: Are you jelous?

I looked at him and he smirks

Y/N: I'm not...

Jungkook: Really!?

Y/N: yes really

Then I walked away confidently like a model

I tried on lots of clothes and picked mostly six of each color
And then Jungkook was just sitting down waiting for me and I went to the counter and paid for my clothes and then the girl winks at Jungkook then I speaked up

Y/N: If you are planning to hit on my " HUSBAND " if you are then stop because my husband likes girls with more skin not like you your a stick

Her mouth was wide open and her eyes are so mean
Then I grabbed Jungkook's hand and lead both of us out the store
Then I stopped at the middle of the mall to talk to Jungkook

Jungkook: What was that about?

What do you mean!??that bitchy bitch just literally tried to flirt with you!??

Y/N: That girl just literally tried to flirt with you and you know how I easily get jelous Jungkook

He smirks

Jungkook: You get jelous?

Y/N: Of course I do I'm your wife!!

He smiles and hugs me

Jungkook: I'm so sorry cutie

I smiled when he said " cutie "
I hugged him back
We both went home and cuddled on the couch


I woke up at midnight and a sleeping Jungkook was beside me
I went down to get something to eat then I heard the drawer where there was cutlery open I thought it was Jungkook getting something to cut with then I looked behind me and there was nothing it was just dark then I ran upstairs and cuddled with Jungkook and hugged him tightly

Y/N: Kookie I'm scared

Jungkook: Why?

Y/N: I went down to get something to eat and I heard the drawer with cutlery in it open then I thought it was you and I looked behind me and here was no one or nothing then I ran up here

Jungkook: Awww..cutie is scared ok let's cuddle then

Y/N: Is it possible that there is a ghost in this house?

Jungkook: I heard the previous owners of this house their daughter died from suicide

When I heard the word " suicide"
I hugged him tighter
He laughs and comforts me

Jungkook: Don't worry I'm here for you cutie

I smile and burried my face in the crook of his neck
He hugs me and kisses my head

Jungkook: I love you...

Y/N: I love you too...

Then he hugs and he lays his head on my head
Then I fell asleep immediately
He pulls me closer to his chest to make me warm

Y/N: I'm not that sleepy actually

Jungkook: Me too haha

He turned on his phone and we both watched Jungkook's euphoria
We both sang to it until it striked
1:00 am

Jungkook: I think we should go sleep now

Y/N: Yeah let's sleep

He turned off his phone and he pulled the blanket over us
And he hugs me I hug him

Jungkook: Goodnight I love you

Y/N: Goodnight kookie I love you too

Then we kiss and we both close our eyes and we both fall into deep sleep


Hey! Thanks for reading!!
For all my supporters

I did this for my followers and supporters so here you go
Another chapter I'mma make another one after a note

Bye guys

Luv you all my sweets~❤️😘

By the way let's get more followers

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