#12 Threat

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You were waiting for Jungkook on the bench at the park

Then I saw Jungkook afar holding a small plastic bag

Then he approaches me

Jungkook: I got the ice cream

I smile and he gave me one

Y/N: Thank you!

He grins and pats my head

Jungkook: Your welcome what about going to Han River?

Y/N: Sure I would love to go there I haven't been there since I was 5

Jungkook: Really!? That's been a long time...

Y/N: Yeah that's why I wanna go there

Jungkook grabs my hand and he hailed a taxi

We both get in the taxi and Jungkook tells the driver our destination

He drives us to Han River

Then we arrived 7 minutes later

Jungkook pays the driver and the driver thanked him

He bowed and we both walk to the bench and we both sat down

Jungkook: I like it here because it's peaceful and quiet

Y/N: Me too I love it here

Jungkook: Looks at the sparkling water of the river

Y/N: Can we have teokkbokki for dinner?

Jungkook: Sure....

We both stayed there for another hour and then after we both went home

We arrived home and I unlocked the door we both took off our shoes

Jungkook: Y/N have you seen the latest news?

Y/N: Hmm... actually no but what is it about?

Jungkook: About my a huge storm coming this Saturday

Y/N: Oh...thats why it's getting a little cold right?

He nods and rubs both his hands on his shoulders

Jungkook: So we should prepare for the storm...

Y/N: I agree...Les start getting stuff tomorrow since people are gonna get crazy and devour the shelves of the stores

He laughs and I laughed with him

Jungkook: You know your funny Y/N

Y/N: I know...I have a sense of humor

He smiles and goes to the kitchen and got a bottle of water

Jungkook: You should go dress up and get comfy

I nod at him and went up
I got dressed in to more comfortable clothes since it was really cold
I then went down and saw Jungkook taking his shirt off

I then covered my eyes

Y/N: Yah! Why are you shirtless it's so cold!!

Jungkook: What? You don't like looking at my hard work?

Y/N: It's not that I like it- I mean....

He smirks and then he walks over to me

Jungkook: What did you say?

Y/N: Nothing.....

Jungkook: Really??! Nothing...but I heard you say you like my abs

Y/N: It's not what meant....

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