Jessica Amelia Song

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Where to starts? I best get to the beginning so you know what's going on and who I am, because it's going to get a tad confusing if you don't get the whole Timey Wimey stuff as Father always says it's a lot more confusing than anyone may think, I mean think of him and my mother? Their time stream is all messed up he's her future she's his past, what do I mean? My mother's past is my Father's future and my Mother's Future is my Father's past? Where does that leave me?,

Well that's even more complicated my Father in his 11th generation I need to be careful about only in his days up to his 12 generation does he know about me. Before that he will have no clue who I am the same with mother only her future after what happened to my Grandparents does she fall pregnant with me, so she will not know who I am either.

So I have my own book, mum and dad give me it it's Tardis Blue but also a Violet running through it I got it for my 10th birthday and then when I turned 14 mother give me my own Vortex Manipulator to go travel with her every now and then. I'm in my timeline with my Mothers timeline but Father still is not it's a little hard sometimes but he comes to every birthday the same one that was there at my birth so he knows about me and my age and when I show up to future him if I'm not Older he will know what time I have came from, well I'll write down if I end up going myself and if I meet a future mother I'll also write it I could end up bumping into a past them if they have already given birth to me Mum and dad said it's fine to tell them who I am so I have their help, but I can't tell them if it's before my birth and as mother says Spoilers.

So if I end up bumping into a past past them I have to just tell them I'm a future companion or something I have no idea I hope that never happens it shouldn't not unless something happens. But it should never hoping it's never so far but timey wimey stuff never know when something bad will happen.

Anyhow did I mention who my parents where? Have you clicked on yet? I mean with all that you should have right? Well I mean not everyone has come across my family yet. So my Mother is River Song Daughter of Amelia aka Amy Pond and Rory Williams, Her name is Melody Pond but in the language of the forest as they have no name for Pond so there for how my mother got her name River Song. And my father well he's the Doctor. I won't say no more.

I mean I'm going to be leaving this so one day someone will be reading this incase what I'm going to do won't work and I end up dead like Mother, she sees me writing in my book but she has no idea what I'm writing. but I'll get to that soon. And why I am here. I never understood till now. And father he's so young I never saw him in this generation before and by the way he speaks to Mother he's never even meet her yet, and won't for a very very long time not with that face anyhow and with his companion and where we are they have a lot more to go on.

I'm going to start from the beginning because even though we have not much time here I can write fast yes okay you might find that not to be true but once I start to write in my book it's like done in 5 minutes or 10 and all I have to do is stay with the others, just keep them from reading what I'm writing while they figure out what's going on, and this part won't take me long to write the rest after here I'll write after if I save mother so if you get to read how I save her well that means I did it right? And if not then... anyhow here I know what's going to happen with these people and I feel a little guilty for not being able to save them all.

One of the woman that came with mother is going to die very very soon, I could stop it but that would definitely cause a paradox and me to be grounded for centuries most likely, and most the stuff I have written before this day before this part has been written I'll have to just add this before everything else. That way you will understand why I say I never understood till now, and with the last part, we'll keep reading you will understand soon enough.

I'm only here to save one person and that I know now, I know why and how I got here and I'll get to that very soon. So let's start shall we, cause now we need to and at the moment it's just me rambling while I get eyes and wonders from mother who's getting the same from father, he wants to know who she is, and she wants to know why I'm here.

So that is a little about me Jessica Amelia Song, but please call me Jay, I'm 15 years old and This is how I save my mother River from her death....

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