It's the Pandorica?

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I feel myself being pulled from where I was laying.

"Jay Honey wake up", as I here a filmilla voice. "River you know this girl?" Questions the Doctor.

I can just sense that she's looking at him to shut up. "River Who is she", asks dad. "Spoilers", says mother. Oh those words I think to myself, I groans a little as I start to feel pain "ooh I definitely broke something", as I let out as I groan again in pain, my eyes flutter open to myself propped up against something big and very cold, I decided I'll have too look as I shuffle, I spin my head up and I notice I jump up "OUCH", as I say in a lot of pain limping on one foot, I look up to the object I was once leaning against about to fall but mum grabs onto me holding me up.

"Doctor who is she?", asks Amy. "Amy I have no idea it seems only River here knows", as he glances at mother tapping his Sonic on his hand.

"WOW IT'S it it it's the the Pandorica", I say a little out loud "darn it can't I shut my mouth today thoughts just roll off my tongue", I say again out loud "shit", again out loud.

"Oi", as I look to the person saying oi I know that look the look of your so in trouble young lady, "where did you just come from?", mum asks voice lower well she is holding me up so no need to shout is there thank god she didn't.

"Umm errr I don't know if I should tell you", I look at her and she just glances at me.

"What for all I know you have no idea who I am", I say knowing fine well she clearly knows.

"Well if I had no clue who you was I would not know your name now would I dear?", she says now In a louder tone than before.

"I'm sorry M River", I say quickly realising I was about to say mum ops this is all so confusing to me but that made the Doctor look at me very very confused.

"My oh My okay okay", I say with eyes looking at me, I just said one word to mum to let her know.

"1969, Diner", Okay two worlds.

"Ahh the first time I saw you", only the Doctor knew you more than I did then. As he looks at her "Spoilers Honey", mum motions for us to walk over to dad.

I do as I'm told yelping in pain at the movement of my foot.

"It's okay you will heal soon just make sure no one sees okay?", Mum whispers into my ear before reaching dad.

I nod in confirming knowing my regeneration will heal me soon just I need to make sure I let it when father and Grandmother is not looking my way.

"It hurts to much can't you just get them out the way?" I say quite low, as the doctor walks over to Amy.

"I'm sorry honey I know but you can't and I can't just ask them to leave it will looks suspicious for you to randomly just not have a broken leg again you will have to do it then pretend you still have a broken leg, just wait till they leave voluntarily and stay off the leg", she says while giving me a hug, I tear up a little and that's when the doctor saw the scene.

I saw in his eyes he was wondering what was happening he could see that River was acting strange towards me but in a good way and it was well awkward to him. He was curious very very curious, and I knew that so I made another lie up.

"You know my mother is gonna be pretty pissed when she realises that I left Future yous and that this things sent me back again and River you know she won't be too happy with you just letting me stand here with a broken leg, and Doctor she will certainly like to see River slap you for listening into a conversation you should not be listening into, and Amy hi". I say while my mum just gives me the see you eyes. I mean it's true right I mean make the lie believable and she will slap him and give herself the guilty feeling for telling me stay with the broken leg it breaks her to see her family in pain so it's the truth.

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