Hiding in Hitler's cupboard, Great.

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After the thump and crash I look out the right door to see the Tardis just crashed the Doctor Amy Rory and um I have no idea who the lady is that apparently just shoot dad's Tardis ops she's in for it now they I laugh to myself as smoke comes out of the Tardis.

Dad Amy and Rory are at Hitler's desk, when they turn round Hitler stands up thanking them for saving his life, I'm looking at the strange lady so I didn't pay attention to the rest of the conversation then all of a sudden I here Hitler yelling about a man and grabbing his gun,

I decided to shut the door before I'm noticed I don't want to die in Hitler's cupboard if anyone notices me, or if Hitler does darn that would not be nice at all would it. I hear gunshots and I start to panic what if dad got shot? Ooh shut it brain you know he is fine you just meet him Rory and Amy and you have no idea about any Hitler times but you know when they die and when dad regenerates so stop worrying.

But then they decided to put him in the cupboard shit. There is legit no where out of here. Fuck umm there door opens and Rory shoved him in the cupboard "Hi", I say very nervously. "Umm Doctor", Rory Yells, "what is it", he says back..

"Umm hi Hitler", I say to the man looking at me I brush past him saying  "ops didn't mean to bother you Umm but you know see you", but he looks at me "WHO ARE YOU", he yells.

Darn he really wants to know, "no need to shout at me", I say as I brush past him. "Shut him in there would you Rory" as I turn to See a random woman look at me, alongside Dad and Amy and Rory I feel his eyes look at Amy asking her What the fuck. I can just sense it even.

"Umm hey" I say. Looking very suspicious nervous.

"How did you get here", asks Rory.

I lift my arm and say this and that pointing to the Tardis okay I might have hurt her calling her a that so I slightly run to her whispering "sorry your not a that Idris". I turn and said sorry, "How do you know the Tardis's name?", questions dad.

I roll my eyes "never mind that" and I again pointing to my wrist.

Dad looks at me as if to say wow you just offended my Tardis how dear you and you won't tell me how you know so much. Umm sorry I think to myself knowing future him will say something to me about it no doubt.

"Right okay we have two things to deal with now", says Amy.

"Mels", She then says looking to the girl, wait I think Mel's as in Melody wait. I think wait no that can't be BRAIN SHUT UP I say to myself.

"Hitler losey shot" the woman says. I just slightly back up behind his desk not knowing what to do or say as the three trio run the the girls side.

Dad says to her "Hey, look at me just hold on."

The she replies to him "I used to dream about you all those story's Amy uses to tell me".

"What story's? Tell me the story's Vampires in Venice that's a belter", dad replied I laugh really loudly to all faces on me I mouthed "sorry".

"When I was little, I was going to Marry you", she says,

I um laugh at my self and think bitch like my mum is gonna let you do that dying or not.

"Good idea, let's get married you stay alive and I'll marry you deal? Deal?", dad says and I roll my eyes I think to myself don't encourage it she will live and want to marry you.

"Shouldn't you ask my parents' permission?" She asks.

"Soon as you're well, I'll get them on the phone." Dad says back.

Where is this gonna lead I think then all of a sudden she says,

"Might as well do it now", I think to myself aye well they will just leave you to phone your parents while you die on the floor to ask if you can marry a strange time traveling man in a blue bloody box that you just meet from stories you've heard aye right yin hen", sound Scottish like gran but umm again my mouth all them where looking at me. "Sorry sorry", I said getting glares and questioning looks from the three hovering over the girl bleeding out, and the girl laying down just laughs at that weird I think.

And all three of them look back down to her in confusion to why she is laughing.

"Since there both right here", she says, and even I'm a little taken back by her words what does she mean Rory and Amy never had another child did they? I think to myself.

All I see is heads looking at each other and then "Penny in the air", and then a glow "penny drops", "OH SHIT", I blurt out now getting it, then thinking to myself Mels as in Melody as in Mum as in brain was right to think earlier.

Why did mum never tell me this story? About her regenerating about Hitler about this day why? The Doctor Amy and Rory stand and Rory says "what the hell is going on". Then dad Yells "Back back back get back", as they all run the the desk.

All I hear is Mel's well mum well River saying "last time I did this, I ended up a toddler in the middle of New York.

Then Amy asks "okay Doctor Explain What is happening please?",

"Mels, short for.." dad says as mum pipes in "Melody",

"Yes I named my daughter after her", Amy says. "You named your daughter after your daughter" dad says and I laughed and then "why do you keep laughing", says the woman that's about to regenerate into Mum I believe.

I just look at her "umm sorry", I run past them "good luck", I say as I leave Hitler's room.

"Where are you going?", asks dad. I yell back. "Well umm beeping and lighting so I'm about to be gone" and then all of a sudden I was indeed gone.

I dropped to the floor with a thud "ouch" I said as I landed weirdly and it was painful. I then stood up taking in my surroundings.

I started yelling at the top of my lungs.


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