Who the hell are you?

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"Wait wait wait" I say under my breath, I smile at them standing watching The Doctor running around the console still like a headless chicken and mum sorting things as normal, I laugh at the scene in front of me not realising I laughed very very loudly.

Amy and Rory turn to face me first I gasped and just stared at them in awe at first forgetting where I was and slightly forget what I was doing and said "Amy...Rory" as happy as day, then I cover my mouth really fast saying "SHIT" under my breath, then the Doctor stopped running around and popped his head around his console stealing at me, then mum walked up to me confused looking "Who the hell are you?" She says with a weird tone in her voice but I brush it off as her just wondering who this strange girl was.

It was clear to me none of them knew who I was considering I was not even conceived till well after what happened in Manhattan so I just kinda stood there silent.

"We are in Space well well in space you're in my TARDIS MY TARDIS", dad yells I thought to myself Our Tardis but gladly was a thought.

"You better answer my Daughter before she shoots you", said Rory, I laughed suddenly at my Grandad.

"What's so funny" questions Amy.

"Ooh River won't Shoot me", I say walking away from them to the console, "and for your information" as I turn around to see a gun pointing at me, l "Ooh trust me I will shoot", says mum I laugh again. "I should stop laughing shouldn't I", I say "Yes, my wife never misses a shot" says dad, while mum looks at him with a cheeky smirk I roll my eyes at that.

"Now tell me why your in my Tardis and how you managed to get here", he gets close to me looking and questioning me.

"Well as I was about to say", as I take a breath "it was the Tardis that brought me here", as I let out a breath of relief I never knew I was holding in as I said that then as I walk away to sit down.

"Eh who do you think you are? My Tardis doesn't just randomly pop people in", as dad says pulling me up from my seat gladly mother put her gun away few cause I would expect mother would shoot I mean yes.

"Umm I can assure you she did didn't you dear", as I smile at dad and the Tardis makes a humming sound to say yes.

River laughs "Well sweetie it seems the Tardis brought us a child",

"Umm excuse you I ain't no child", I say shocked I got a little defensive at mum.

She looks at me and I know that look so I slightly move over to the seat and sink back down as I hear Amy laugh I look at her and she smiles at me, I was confused but I let it slip.

"Okay okay old girl why a child", "HEY", I say looking at dad, I'm 15 I'm no child I explain. They all look at me and laugh. "Sweetie your a child", mother says I just groan at that knowing she's semi right I mean if she knew who I was she would know I'm more than just a child and I'm a Time Lady, but I let it slip knowing they don't know me.

"Uhhh Umm What Umm timeline is this", I question.

They all look at me and then Rory pipes up, "what exactly do you mean?", I went to say Spoilers but all that I got was "Ssss Umm timeLine like where am I?", I say breathing as I feel I saved that pretty greatly. But everyone just looks at me though I see Amy from the side of my eye Grandma seems to be thinking something and I'm curious to what she is thinking.

"We were about to head to Space 1969, but as you can see we are in the Tardis", says Amy sarcastically, I just stand up in shook I could not help the reaction. I look at them all then to River, I look at mum in a sympathy way and she clearly understand it but was confused". "Umm Umm this is not not where I'm supposed to be, I can't be here no WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" I yell to the Tardis.

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