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Muji gave Jimin a mean side eye as he put his dishes in the sink. She tsked and walked to the fridge.

"What's wrong with you?" Jimin asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You went out with Yoongi?" She asked while sipping from the milk carton.

"Who told you!" Jimin yelled.

"Mom did, she said you went on a date with one of my friends and I automatically assumed it was Yoongi because he's got the hots for you. Why him? I don't want you hanging around my friends, especially Yoongi."

"Well I can hang out with whoever I want to. And it wasn't a date, I just went over to his house and watched movies," Jimin walked past Muji to leave the kitchen but she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back in. "Hey!"

"Does mom know how old he is?" She asked. "She'd be very disappointed if you were doing things with him."

Jimin shook his head. "No, she doesn't."

"And what would you do if I told her?" She smirked devilishly.

"Don't tell her please! We aren't even dating, I just went to his house! We aren't even friends!"

"Mhmm, she told me you kissed him too, people that aren't even friends don't kiss each other. I'll make a deal with you," she said. "I won't tell her anything about him as long as you don't tell her stuff about me. Which means I ain't givin' you hush money anymore got it?"

Jimin nodded rapidly. "Yeah, I won't tell her anything. Just don't say anything about him okay?"

"Stop hanging out with him, he's using you. He's not as dumb as he looks," Muji pat him on the back and left the kitchen.


Yoongi: hey :)

Yoongi: I'm bored

Yoongi: are you

Jimin: go away
it's 3 am

Yoongi: sorry,
I can't sleep
and I'm bored.

Jimin: take medicine

Yoongi: I don't
have any, I'm too

Jimin: sucks to
be you then.

Yoongi: ouch

Yoongi: what are
you doing right now?

Jimin: I was sleeping

Yoongi: I'm sorry.
I'll leave you
alone if you want

Jimin: no it's
fine, I'm already
awake anyways

Yoongi: I have
a question.

Jimin: ok

Yoongi: why'd you
kiss me earlier?

Yoongi: ...

Yoongi: Jimin?

Yoongi: did you

Jimin: idk.

Yoongi: well that's
not an answer

Jimin: well it's
my answer.

Yoongi: wow you
sound like my parents.

Yoongi: just tell me,
it's nothing to be
embarrassed about.

Jimin: I said I
don't know

Yoongi: ok

Yoongi: that's fine.

Yoongi: I really like
you though so
don't lead me on...

Yoongi: if you don't
like me then tell me

Yoongi: are you
still there?

Yoongi: did I say
something wrong?

Yoongi: I'm sorry

Yoongi: goodnight then.


Jimin stared up at his ceiling. He knew that he would have to get up eventually but he laid there, enjoying the silence up until his mom barged right in.

"Jiminie, that boy is here. He said he needed to talk to you," She said.

Jimin shot up. "Um uh, tell him I'm still sleeping."

"I already told him to come in."

"Dang it. Tell him I'll be out in a minute," his mom nodded and left the room. Jimin got out of bed and slipped on a different pair of shorts and when out to the living room.

"Hey," Yoongi said with a smile.

"Hi...what did you wanna talk about?" Jimin already knew the answer to that question, but he tried to stretch out the conversation to avoid it for as long as possible.

"Do you wanna talk in private? Would you be more comfortable?" He asked.

"Uh yeah...let's go outside," Jimin said. Yoongi stood up and Jimin followed him outside.

"Now you can't just leave when I ask you stuff," the two sat down beside each other on the steps. "So, why'd you kiss me?"

"Why are you so eager to know?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi shrugged. "Well, you just left me hanging. You just left straight away and didn't give any explanation so, I'm curious."

"I don't know! I just did it out of whim okay? Did you not like it or something?"

"No I liked it. You just left so quickly and I thought you hated me so. I was just wondering," Yoongi said. "Aside from that, your mom seems nice."

"She thinks we're dating," Jimin said.

"So she's not one of those 'I don't want my child of God to be around a douche' kind of mom?" He asked.

"I don't think she cares about appearance. She doesn't know how old you are. She only thinks you're Muji's friend and that I have a crush on you. Which I don't!"

Yoongi smiled. "Mhmm. Why does everybody keep bring up my age? It's not like I'm forty, I'm youthful."

"Yeah but I'm sixteen and you're twenty one, that's five years difference," Jimin said.

"You're of consent though, so even if we dated its fine. There's people out there that are like a century old and are dating people your age," Yoongi said. "Age stuff would make more sense if we were a year younger."

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Duh, you'd be fifteen, under the age of consent, technically still a child. Which would be absolutely understandable for your mom to not like us being together."

"We aren't even together so it doesn't matter. None of what we talked about matters because we aren't dating."


This was shit and I just needed to post something because it's been like an eon since I've updated this.

Peace bros

Peace bros

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