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Yoongi and Jimin had migrated from the bedroom out onto the couch. Seeing all Muji's belongings in boxes and bags brought a strange satisfaction to Jimin. He was glad she was leaving, his life would be a lot less miserable without her.

"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked.

"Nothing hyung," Jimin sighed and rested his head against Yoongi's shoulder. "I'm just glad that she's leaving."

"Me too baby," Yoongi smiled at Jimin. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date? Um, like at my house? I'm too broke to take you out to dinner so. I can cook for you again."

Jimin nodded. "Sure that sounds good. You should buy some wine," Jimin said as he traced a circle into Yoongi's chest.

"Who said that I didn't already have some?" Yoongi said. "I'll let you have a glass of wine okay?"

"Two," Jimin held up his fingers to show Yoongi. "Please?"

"Maybe, I don't wanna get in trouble for letting you drink okay? Don't tell you mom though," Yoongi whispered.

"Don't tell me what?" Ms. Park leaned up against the kitchen doorway, staring at the two on the couch. She raised an eye brow at them. "Hm?"

"Uh, I-."

Jimin cut Yoongi off. "We're going on a date. Is it okay if I have a glass of wine?" Jimin asked.

"Fine, just one and don't be going behind my back. I don't want this to become a habit okay Jimin?" His mom crossed her arms and gave him that typical 'mom look'.

"Yeah yeah I know. Don't worry, we won't get drunk or anything," Jimin said. "We're just gonna be at Yoongi's house so it's not like we're gonna be out in public."

"Alright, I'm trusting you to be responsible Jimin. You too Yoongi, I know you're an adult but I want you to be responsible too," She said.

"Don't worry Ms. Park I will," Yoongi reassured.

"Oh wow, you so suddenly turn into the son of god whenever my mom comes around," Jimin crossed his arms at him. "So fake."

"Well maybe if you weren't such a sassy little asshole all the time maybe I would be nice to you too," Yoongi stuck his nose in the air. "So rude."

"Excuse me? I put the 'ass in sass' ain't no way am I going to change that!" Jimin snorted.

Yoongi hummed. "I love you, you big dork," Yoongi pecked Jimin's cheek and smiled. "Really though. When do you wanna go to my house?"

"Umm," Jimin tapped his chin while he thought. "Let's go right now!"

"Well that sure took a lot of thought hm?" Yoongi teased.

"Shut up! I can take as long as I want," Jimin gently hit Yoongi's chest. "Come on let's go before Muji comes back out and give us dirty looks," Jimin got off the couch and put his shoes on. "Hurry up let's go!"

"Calm down. What's got you so excited?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin got up close to Yoongi. "I wanna drink," he whispered, shortly followed by a giggle. "And other things but that can wait," Jimin smiled.

"Wait what do you mean?" Yoongi asked. Jimin already had Yoongi by the arm, dragging him to his car.

"Its a surprise dummy," Jimin got into the car and put his seatbelt on. "Is Namjoon gonna be home? I don't want him to ruin our dinner," Jimin said, even though he had completely different plans than just dinner.

"Yeah he's home, I can tell him to stay in his room though," Yoongi started up the car and backed out of the driveway.

Jimin pouted. "Okay. That's okay I guess."

"Don't worry Jimin he won't bother us. He's good about things like that," Yoongi reassured.

"Hm, okay."


Jimin hopped out of the car. "So, what are the plans for dinner?" Jimin went inside with Yoongi following shortly behind. He plopped down onto the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table.

"I don't know yet." Yoongi pushes Jimin's feet off the table and sat beside him. "What you you wanna have?"

Jimin laughed. "Hmm, you," He looked up at Yoongi with a big smirk on his face. "I'm joking, I'm joking!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the younger. "Seriously, What do you wanna eat?" He asked.

Jimin shrugged. "I dunno, what do you got?"

"I can make some chicken I guess. Chicken and vegetables? Or maybe... no I don't have that. Ugh I don't know give me an idea," Yoongi snorted.

"Chicken and vegetables is good with me. We can wait a little bit before you make it though, I'm not hungry yet," Jimin rested his head up against Yoongi's shoulder. "I've only had alcohol once and it was because my stupid Muji left a bottle of beer in the fridge and I took a sip of it."

"Wow such a little rebel," Yoongi said. "Wine is very different than beer. I feel like you might not like it," Yoongi put his arm around Jimin. "It's got an acquired taste to it."

"I thought I might not like you but that didn't stop me," Jimin said nonchalantly.

"Wow thanks for giving me a chance," Jimin looked at Yoongi and smiled. "You're so cute."

"Yeah I know," Jimin dramatically flipped his hair. "I'm gorgeous."

"I take it back, you look like Cthulhu."




I'm sorry, this chapter sucks. I rushed it because I felt pressured to put more out.

Anyways, I'm very tired it's 2 am.

I was working on my thread fic earlier and it's actually really fun. I really like the android au that I went with. I think I'm gonna write an Abo one next so ye.

Ok I'm probably gonna go to bed now.

cough cough smut soon cough cough.

What did y'all hear that? Must've been the wind.

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