Peter Rogers-Stark had a lot of regrets in life, for a teenager, and for a super hero. Those regrets constitutes from not being able to be the best, to that one taco he had a few days ago. (Man he should not have let /someone/ talk him into eating that taco)
Currently his biggest regret is mostly a jumble of thing,
1. Going to school on Tuesday
2. Taking the permission slip for the field trip
3. Not immideately burning said permission slip
4. Letting his father sign said permission slip.
5. Not asking where the field trip was going when it was first announced and he wasn't paying attention.Peter wasn't really surprised when Mr. Collins didn't accept his permission slip on Thursday .
It's not really believable for Tony McFreaking Rogers-Stark to start signing permission slips for sixteen year olds, especially since the news that said sixteen year old was adopted wasn't even out to the news yet. ("I'm working on it Tony, its hard to manage the PR when I have to manage it for /you/"—Pepper Potts 2k18)
Still he couldn't help feel a bit melancholy when he got home at Thursday , the day before the trip. The trip where his friends -all two of them- would be. The only major tour of the year. A tour that was supposed to be at some big name in scientific companies.
Peter shook his head, it won't do him any good to mope around. He needs to get over it, besides, he lives at The Avengers Tower he knows that wherever the group is going, it can't be more advanced, but at the same time he's also mourning the amount of fun Ned and MJ are going to have without him.
Peter sighes and from where he is next to him, Steve notices, "Hey, Pete, what's up? You've been quiet for a while." Steve points out using what some of the less mature avengers has named his Concerned Mother™ voice. (the more mature Avengers don't call it that at all. What are you talking about? Shut up Clint.)
"It's nothing pops, don't worry about it."
Steve looked majorly unimpressed.
"Yeah, Peter you're not fooling anyone, what happened?"
Peter sighed, better to say it now before he gets Natasha involved."Did I tell you our school has this one major field trip to some place that is famous for some kind of scientific endeavour or another, and everyone gets Super pumped to go there? You know the last one was cancelled and the one before that was where I got bit by the spider?" Peter paused and Steve nodded.
"Well, that trip is happening tomorrow, and I took the permission slip, and dad signed it, but our teacher Mr. Collins said, 'Peter your lie about the internship has gone far enough as it is. You could fall in serious trouble if it goes on record, and after that you forge Mr. Rogers-Stark's signature?'" Peter takes a breath to calm himself not looking at Steve.
"Long story short, now I can't go to the field trip, and may also have detention for something I didn't even do!".
Peter omitted the part where Flash was having a mighty good time tormenting Peter all day, he said something about Peter not going because he didn't want his secrets to get spilt. But whatever , Peter was already too upset to pay any attention to the other boy.
"Oh Peter." Steve sighed and pulled Peter in a hug. "Hey, its OK, I'll get Tony to personally get you out of detention, If he can't, I'll break you out my self OK?" Steve promised, and Peter couldn't stop a giggle
"We have your Psa's for detention."
"What? Oh, god,I need to have a talk about those." Peter's mood was brightened considerably by the time he got up and left to work on the lab. He didn't notice Tony and Natasha walk in the room just as he left but Steve did."So Spidermom and I was checking some security footage." Tony said in leu of greeting.
"You mean you were spying on us." Steve interrupted then kissed Tony's cheek.
"Po-teh-to , po-tah-to." The billionear waved it off.

Spiderson and the trip
FanfictionThis is my obligatory field trip fic, full with stony, spidypool and peter being the avengers child