I am so in love with that song. It's not in the story much but i wanted to add it. ^_^
Flashy boi: so, classmates, me and Eleanor have an announcement.
ABEle : ok
BelleElle : that's all the surprise there is?
MJaywalking : oh sorry let me just,
MJaywalking : *gasp* YOU HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT??!!!!??!?Cindaria : yeah what MJ said.
BelleElle : whatever.
Flashy boi: well the announcement is Elanor and I are dating now.
PeterellParking : Congrats guys!
Flashy boi: you jealous that I am in a relationship before you?
PeterellParking : not really?
EddyNed : Peter's not single tho?
BETty : wait wha-?
BelleElle : Peter has a girlfriend?
PeterellParking: no?
MJaywalking : why does it have to be a girlfriend?
MJaywalking : or female at all?Flashy boi: wait Penis Parker's gay?
ABEle : what Flash said without the degradation.
ABEle : just surprised is all.
ABEle : This is a safe space either way man, even if you didn't out yourself.MJaywalking : Peter isn't gay.
MJaywalking : his boyfriend might be tho idk.PeterellParking: he's Pan actually. And I'm Bi.
PeterellParking: And thanks Abe. I wasn't really in the closet but I'm not super flashy either.BelleElle : well, none of us knew you were into boys Peter.
MJaywalking : speak for yourself, watching the two dance to Take me to Church on a double date was one of the gayest things I've ever seen.
PeterellParking: Toxic.
MJaywalking : STFU Parker.
Cindaria : did Pete just call Michelle toxic?
EddyNed : lol no.
EddyNed :he meant the song.
EddyNed : they went on a karaoke double date and MJ and her girlfriend sang Toxic together and Peter and his boyfriend Danced to Take me to Church.
EddyNed : there was a homophobic dude making comments so they made everything as gay as they could think to make it.ABEle : power move ngl.
BelleElle : uh, yeah. I just meant like …
BelleElle : everyone thought Peter and MJ were going to get together or something.EddyNed : they gave each other the exact same bitchface lmao.
MJaywalking : no offense Peter but I prefer my princess.
PeterellParking: Ditto.
MJaywalking : now that you're out to everyone here
MJaywalking : I'm calling an interventionPeterellParking: I thought you loved me
MJaywalking : if i have to suffer your lovesick ass so does everyone else.

Spiderson and the trip
FanfictionThis is my obligatory field trip fic, full with stony, spidypool and peter being the avengers child