The one with the acadec group chat

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I am so in love with that song. It's not in the story much but i wanted to add it. ^_^



Flashy boi: so, classmates, me and Eleanor have an announcement.

ABEle : ok

BelleElle : that's all the surprise there is?

MJaywalking : oh sorry let me just,
MJaywalking : *gasp* YOU HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT??!!!!??!?

Cindaria : yeah what MJ said.

BelleElle : whatever.

Flashy boi: well the announcement is Elanor and I are dating now.

PeterellParking : Congrats guys!

Flashy boi: you jealous that I am in a relationship before you?

PeterellParking : not really?

EddyNed : Peter's not single tho?

BETty : wait wha-?

BelleElle : Peter has a girlfriend?

PeterellParking: no?

MJaywalking : why does it have to be a girlfriend?
MJaywalking : or female at all?

Flashy boi: wait Penis Parker's gay?

ABEle : what Flash said without the degradation.
ABEle : just surprised is all.
ABEle : This is a safe space either way man, even if you didn't out yourself.

MJaywalking : Peter isn't gay.
MJaywalking : his boyfriend might be tho idk.

PeterellParking: he's Pan actually. And I'm Bi.
PeterellParking: And thanks Abe. I wasn't really in the closet but I'm not super flashy either.

BelleElle : well, none of us knew you were into boys Peter.

MJaywalking : speak for yourself, watching the two dance to Take me to Church on a double date was one of the gayest things I've ever seen.

PeterellParking: Toxic.

MJaywalking : STFU Parker.

Cindaria : did Pete just call Michelle toxic?

EddyNed : lol no.
EddyNed :he meant the song.
EddyNed : they went on a karaoke double date and MJ and her girlfriend sang Toxic together and Peter and his boyfriend Danced to Take me to Church.
EddyNed : there was a homophobic dude making comments so they made everything as gay as they could think to make it.

ABEle : power move ngl.

BelleElle : uh, yeah. I just meant like …
BelleElle : everyone thought Peter and MJ were going to get together or something.

EddyNed : they gave each other the exact same bitchface lmao.

MJaywalking : no offense Peter but I prefer my princess.

PeterellParking: Ditto.

MJaywalking : now that you're out to everyone here
MJaywalking : I'm calling an intervention

PeterellParking: I thought you loved me

MJaywalking : if i have to suffer your lovesick ass so does everyone else.

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