Tony would like to state that the fact that he's out of the tower right now is absolutely and irrevocably necessary.
In fact one could even say It's essencial. All the while he was also painfully aware that literally none of his family members would agree with him.
The cashier gives him the wide eyed stare they always do when he gives them an unreasonably large amount of money to keep the change. He throws them a smirk from behind his phone as he grabs the pack of donut and walks out.
Hell with Barton always finishing his donuts. Not even the Supersoldiers or Peter or Thor did that. And Tony walked back to the tower while making sure Pepper gets the message that he would in no way be able to make it to the next meeting and planing what prank he could play on Clint.
In hindsight he really shouldn’t have left the tower without the nanotech suit or maybe he should have paid more attention to his surroundings because one minute he was just putting his phone in his pocket, the next he woke up on floor in a dark room.
He cursed his luck. Steve is going to be so pissed.
Steve frowned at the line he just drew. It spoke volumes about his patience when he didn’t immediately just throw his skechbook from the window. Somewhat because it would probably kill someone from this height, also because of the content of said book.
He just could never get the eye right, he knew tony would scoff, "It's just simple brown eyes babe". And Steve would have to conquer with there being absolutely nothing simple about those eyes thank you very much, it takes about months for him to correct a single skech of his husband.
But Tony wasn’t there right now so he digresses.
" Captain, It would appear that Boss is in trouble" Steve frowns and looks up,
"What happened? Did something blow up in the lab?" Steve says already getting up and walking out of the room. Tony didn’t tell him about working on anything potentially life threating, but he has a running theory that his husband doesn’t realize when something could harm him.
"Boss has left the lab approximately one hour ago to get refreshments. He left the tower forty-five minutes ago " Steve pauses as his heart speeds up.
"Why do you think he's in trouble F.R.I.D.A.Y? " he asks slowly already dreading the answer.
"His phone signal abruptly stopped half an hour ago. Boss has put in a thirty minute delay to alert anyone of him being away from his phone in case of displacing it. Its last known location is in an alley next to a bakery. Scans show no sign of boss near.
Steve cursed and told the AI to call everyone.
Steve was pretty sure he looked calm. Not relaxed, god no, that eould require his husband unhurt, not kidnapped and preferably within arm's reach. But disregarding that he probably had what his family called a resting bitchface, he looked calm, in control even.
After all, It's not new to have his husband kidnapped. They've practically all been kidnapped at one point or another in their line of work. If anyone other than those who know him well were to look at him, they'd see him keeping his calm and being a good soldier.
He was pretty sure he had slipped into parade rest at one point.
But inside, he was in turmoil. Because no matter how often it happened, or how capable he knows his husband can be, it does not get easier.

Spiderson and the trip
FanfictionThis is my obligatory field trip fic, full with stony, spidypool and peter being the avengers child