I know I know I'm late, really sorry about that, but writers block is terrible, and my college started up again, so I've got that going on for me. any hope you people like this.
Peter wanted to say that he was surprised when Mr. Shuu didn't accept his permission slip, but really, who in their right mind would believe that Tony Rogers-Stark signed a permission slip for a field trip.
Granted that he actually did do that, mostly because Peter is his son. Still since nobody actually knew this piece of information, no one could actually blame him for not believing Peter.
However Peter thought it was a little bit of a overreaction to give him an entire month of detention for forgery that he didn't commit.
"Mr. Shuu, please, I swear I didn't forge this, you can call my....." he didn't get a chance to finish.
"Groveling won't get you out of punishment Mr. Parker, unless you could get Tony Stark to come and say that he signed your slip, you're gonna have to do the detentions. " Mr. Shuu says with a sneer on his face.
Peter really didn't want to spend an hour each month listening to Steve's PSA's (especially since he's the guy Peter calls pops and he knows for a fact that Steve barely followed a rule in his goddamn life) but he apparently didn't have much of a choice.
He sighed and left the class, he wondered how to tell this to his fathers and not have them coming in his school repulsours ablaze and demand an apology.
"Hey Happy." he greeted. and got in the car. The man in question frowned.
"You ok there kid? you usually talk my ear off by now."
Peter sighed,
"yeah I'm fine, just got a detention. " Happy made a noncommittal noise of acknowledgement and began driving. the rest of the drive was in silence.When Peter went inside he was pleasantly surprised to see Deadpool running around the living area, then his brain processed the fact that the other boy was actually running for his life.
"STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY BUILDING DEADPOOL, JUST BECAUSE FURY LET YOU IN SHIELD DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET TO COME IN THE TOWER." Peter heard his dad scream from where he was running behind Wade with his gauntlets on to blast him.
His pops was too busy being a disappointed husband to actually admonish Tony about his language.
"Come on Tony, he's not even doing anything, he just wants to meet Peter." Bruce, sweet innocent Bruce input from where he is watching all the drama.
"YEAH, I JUST WANT TO CUDDLE WITH BABY BOY WHY IS THAT SO BAD?" Wade yelled out from where he was dodging repulsor blasts.
"uh, hey guys" Peter says awkwardly from the entrance.
"BABY BOY!!" Wade jumps for him and tackles him into a hug. Tony, to his credit lowers the gauntlets when Peter gets in the hit zone and grumbles about sons with terrible choice in romantic partner.
"Hey, Peter, thanks for stopping Tony. " Steve greeted.
"Hey, pops, I'll just..... go to my room..." he grabbed Wade and was about to walk out when he was stopped.
"Is something wrong little spider?" Natasha questioned.
Now see here's the thing, Peter learned how to lie better to try to hide his identity to anyone but hos family, but this is Natasha, you can't just go and lie to the Black Widow. it's not even about morals, you literally can't lie to her.
Peter decided to go the half truth route, " I.... got a detention" the Avengers that are present at the room froze,
"You, got a detention? you?" Clint asked incredulously.

Spiderson and the trip
FanfictionThis is my obligatory field trip fic, full with stony, spidypool and peter being the avengers child