Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise. How does this phrase come in if the man in question never went to bed in the first place?
That is the question which has been going through the head of one Peter Rogers-Stark when he was sitting bored in his Chemistry class, very much regretting his patrol the previous night.
When he just finished his patrol last night there was a house fire that took an hour to get in control. After that some burglars thought it would be a perfect time to rob a house. After stopping that, he saw Doc. Oc, looking vaguely suspicious. Peter went to take a look, that blew up in his face, and he had to stop the man from making yet another machine that..... Peter doesn't remember what it does, but it must have been something threatening.
By the time he reached home, his pops was already making breakfast. He and his Dad, (who is a hypocrite because he has terrible sleep schedule too) wanted him to stay home and rest for the day. Peter begged off saying that he had a test. (which went better than he expected). a compromise was made that he would rest tomorrow and patrol early today.
Some thing like this has been going on for the last three days, Peter has gotten a total of.... 5? no 6 hours of sleep in the last three days, needless to say he doesn't appreciate Mr. Tritter going on and on about the periodic table.
The bell ringing comes as a blessing, He rushed out of the class and joins Ned near the lockers.
"So what's the game plan for tomorrow? " Ned asks. Peter for the life of him, couldn't figure out if there was anything important coming up tomorrow. It doesn't matter anyway, after the schedule he has been keeping, it's a miracle his fathers let him come in today.
"I can't come tomorrow man, dad and pops only let me come today cause of the history test. Tomorrow is rest day." Ned nodded understandingly.
"It's ok, man, I'm still bummed you can't come to the surprise field trip tomorrow, it's gonna suck without you there."
Ah yes, the surprise field trip, The teachers of Midtown High has kept their mouth shut about. the field trip they were going to have tomorrow. Apparently it was at some big name company and the students who had enough attendance to go, had their parents receive an email for permission.
Peter's dads didn't get an email, which is a surprise to no one, after the first time he crashed due to overwork, his fathers were adamant about him missing classes whenever he could without dropping his grades. He got tutored by his family anyway.
He is the son of Tony freaking Stark, if he needed history lessons, he had Steve and Bucky, Bruce gave him lessons for Biology, Natasha seemed to have a knack when it came to anything related to languages so his grades didn't drop at all, if anything they increased, he was worried for his scholarship because of his attendance decrease. Peter was assured that he didn't even need a scholarship, (it didn't stop him from trying anyway, but it was good to have a reassurance)
"It's ok man, you'll still have MJ there" Peter stifles a yawn. Ned eyed him.
"Which is good because you look beat. Is Wade allowed to visit again? or did he break something... again?"
Peter snorted, "He's allowed in.....for now, I don't know how long till dad has another blow up about him." Ned nods in understanding the two exist the school where Ned goes home and Peter gets in the car with Happy. Peter started chattering and the man rolled his eyes, the kid may or may not have grown on him, but he's not gonna tell him that.
"Hey Pete, Mario cart tournament you in?" Clint asks as soon as he steps inside the communal living room. before he could say anything, Steve interrupts him.

Spiderson and the trip
FanfictionThis is my obligatory field trip fic, full with stony, spidypool and peter being the avengers child