The one where there is a shooter in midtown

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Peter didn't really prefer biology class, he was never really good at it. At least not in the way he tends to be in physics or better yet chemistry. He just sort of.... knows some of the stuffs, mostly what he needs to know and the rest is spider facts.

Granted he was getting way better at it since he started to go to his uncle Bruce to clear up what he didn't understand.

Still he would pick chemistry or nanotechnology over biology any day.

Even then he already knew what Ms. Lanister was talking about in this lesson, something about some sort of fungi. He wasn't really paying attention.

His mind was currently running a mile a minute,  not thinking for ideas just......  Daydreaming.

He carefully took his phone to check Twitter, someone asked Rhodey a question that caught Peter's attention , 

NoticeMe @ yuuki

@ tonyHackedThis So what do you think is the height of stupidity? # askIP

Ironsuckup @ tonyHackedThis

Given my account name, 5'6" and three quarters.  A bit more taller if he's wearing an armour.

Peter grabbed his mouth so that he wouldn’t laugh out loud.

Unfortunately,  Ms. Lanister noticed,  "Peter pay attention,  you may get the perfect A 's but you need to work to maintain it"

Peter winced, "sorry Ma'am. "

The teacher nodded and went back to the board, then suddenly -




Everyone was instantly on alert.

"What was that?" Abe sounded frightened.

"Did something blow up in the labs?" Flash questions

"The labs are on the other side of the building. " MJ looked the most put together but she too looked worried.

"Gunshots " Peter grimaced and frowned. 

He got closer to the door and locked it and put his ear on the door, It would be hard to tell anything in the panic, but Super hearing definitely helps. Also the people doing the shooting were dressed for combat that made them heavier

There is a group of about 10? 12 people, they're together so they're probably looking for something.  Armed if the gunshot was any indication.

Peter frowned and looked at his class and remembered if anyone could be targeted. There were some kids from rich families,  but if they came for them they were going to take them alive for ransom, There was Flash who could be the target since his father is a police officer, but he doubts it, so that leaves him. Adopted son of two Avengers, and his two friends interns to Pepper Romanova-Potts and Bruce Odinson-Banner.

.... Oh joy.

"Everyone get to the corner near the door now!" he exclaimed but was unheard. The students bar Ned and MJ were all cowering against the wall farthest from the door that is where they would aim first.

Peter jumped on top of the teacher's table getting everyon's attention.

"People! The wall closest to the door! If they are going to shoot they're gonna aim where you are the first thing!" he says and they slowly but surely go to said corner.

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