I..... Have no excuse.
I really dont I swear I have one 70℅ written out and then the words just stopped and writers block wont let me write, so ya'll are stuck with this bs
I'm really really sorry for the wait
Also, about the picture, snap.
Sintern @ S Industries
Stark Intern: Mr. Conel. Rhodes Sir?
Mr. Conel. Rhodes: yes?
Stark Intern, a memer : In your opinion, what is the Height of stupidity?
Mr. Conel. Rhodes looking at his hacked Twitter handle: about 5'5". Taller if he's wearing the suit.
I still can't change it, So I stand by that statement.
OGHero @ IAmFe
I'M 5'6" and three quarters!!!!
Bevvy @ Katz
Lmao these interactions are gold.
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★★★WhichWitch @ ThisWitchBitch
Today this fckn Dudebro had the actual Gall to tell me that the Avengers should be against same sex marriage. He said that to my face. Like some of us fight crime in spandex you think we're what? Straight?
Egg @ Eggy
I stan one (1) badass woman.
ShhhASecret @ xoxo
Ok but are some of the Avengers actually gay? I mean everyone knows about Stark, but is there anyone else?
Capsicum @ CAmerica
What was that about Tony? @ xoxo? What do you mean?
ShhhASecret @ xoxo
Asdfghjkl captain America just @ ed me!! But forreal, everyone knows Stark is bi. He's like the shining icon in the Bi community?
Ah,Satan @ DeadlySpider
@ xoxo I want you to know You're an absolute gem, and very valid, and you just did god's work.
ShhhASecret @ xoxo
In case anyone's wondering, I'm probably just dead, though I didn’t think I'd reach heaven.
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★★★Sintern @ S Industries
The emotionally constipated Captain in a conundrum
°Steve's face looking at his phone, he lookes shocked, and stuck between happy and terrified°
OGHero @ IAmFe
Kid you need to stop trying to teach him all the memes at once, he gets confused.
Sintern @ S Industries
I showed him nothing Mr. Stark.
InsertArmJoke @ BB. arns
Why. Are. They. So. Stupid
°headbanging against a wall gif°
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★★★Ah,Satan @ DeadlySpider

Spiderson and the trip
FanfictionThis is my obligatory field trip fic, full with stony, spidypool and peter being the avengers child