A little too nice.

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"Death?!" Supernatural shouted, "Yeap~!" The voice said. "You had to ask.." Sherlock said to Doctor Who, The Fandom shrugged " Heh, sorry."

"Well! I shall leave you so you can get unpacked, Oh your names are on your rooms door, so you'll know who's room is who's." He snickered " Oh and one more little thing.. I advise you to keep your bedroom door locked.... Just in case..." Then the intercom shut off, and it was silent, which bothered Doctor Who "Soooooooo,, lets get unpack so we can check this place out!! Shall we?" Doctor Who said trying to break the silence, everyone nodded, as they headed off to their rooms.

When Les go into her room, she saw that her room had the basics, there was one window, and the bed had a dark scarlet red blanket on it, and the pillow cases were red with a golden trim at the end of them. The room was a greyish colour, and there were only two lamps in the whole room, there was a closet where she could keep her clothes, a desk for is she needed to write something, and a bathroom "Wow... This is a really nice room for someone that is being held captive.... just one thing is missing..... a Barricade." She said, looking around for stuff she could build one with.

In Hetalia's room, the bed was a greyish colour, and the pillow cases black. There was a table up against the wall, and a ceiling fan, that held a light, that was very dem. The floor was green, and like Les's room had a closet and bathroom, on the bed, laid three different plushies, they were Japan, Italy and Germany, from Hetalia. The Fandom gave a small smile "Well at least he's making us feel at home." He sad picking up the Germany plushie and stroking its head "Isn't that right.... My dear Doitsu?" He said with a little creepy tone to his voice.

Pokemon was unpacking his things, trying to make everything perfect, so Les would be proud that he didn't need her help "Mama is gonna be proud of me!!" He said with a smile, on the other side of the room, was Keroro, him and Pokemon were sharing a room, which he was fine with. To tell his and Pokemon's beds apart, Keroro's bed was a dark forest green, and Pokemon's was yellow. There were two closet, so they had enough room for what ever they brought. Pokemon brought all of his pokemon cards, and games like a normal ten year old nerdy boy would. He set the box of cards on the table in the middle of the room. Keroro Gunso took out his different Gundam models, setting them on the table as well. There were three lamps in the room, and a night light " A night light? It's like they think we're kids!" Keroro said crossing his arms, Pokemon looked at him "But we are kids..." Keroro shook his head " Nu-uh, papa said I was a big boy!!" Pokemon sighed "I gotta potty!" He said, running into the bathroom.

Gravity Falls walked into his room, there was a book shelf beside his bed, he walked over to it, picking a book and looking through it. A smile appeared on his face when he realized that all the books were about different monsters. He set his bag down on his bed, his bed was brown, and the floor was a pattern of brown and a rusty type red. He looked out the window over his bed, were he had a nice view of the beach. After looking around the room, and the bathroom, Gravity Falls began to unpack, he had a couple of other hats, and different sweaters. He put the sweaters in the closet  and laid out on his bed.

Yume Nikki didn't really pay attention to her room, all she really cared too see was the bed. She threw down her bag and curled up in the purple covers, taking a nap. Not bothering to turn off the lamp or put her stuff in the closet, or even check out the bathroom. Nope, she just went right to sleep, as if it was a normal day.

Creepypasta walked into his room. There wasn't much there, the bed was black and there was a desk and closet like all the other rooms, so, he decided that he was going to make it like his room back home. He threw knives at the wall and spry painted symbols on the wall. Then he took out his laptop and put it on the desk, and just threw his bag into the closet and left his room.

Sonic was running around her room " I can't stand small places, I need somewhere to run!!" She shouted, thus running into the wall, making her stumble back, falling onto the bed with the sky blue coloured covers "These covers are soft..."

As Loki walked into his room, he gasped "If this person thinks, I'm going to sleep on such ugly sheets, he's out of his mind. Who knows what kind of peasant slept here!" He said, ripping off the bright yellow sheets and blanket and replacing them with his own.

Durarara Didn't even bother looking at his room, he just opened the door and threw his bag inside and left.

Supernatural walked into his room, and saw a salt shaker on the table " Yes! I can throw this at that stupid demon!" He said, looking around his room. Doctor Who was running around his room, because there was a statue in it, and he was freaking out, and finally threw it out the room "You may have been a small one, but you'll never get me!!" He said laughing. Sherlock had already unpacked his things and was sitting at his desk, taking notes on what happen so far.

Homestuck was looking around his room, to find a mini fridge, opening it, he found seven cans of Faygo, he smiled and opened one. Putting his bag on the neon green covered bed, he unzipped it, taking out his laptop and putting his clothes into the closet, then looked into the bathroom. After everything was unpacked he walked out of his room, to go meet everyone.

Mlp walked down the hall, trying to find his room "If I don't hurry, I'll be late meeting everyone..." He said walking passed Supernatural's room " Ohhh Cool!! My room is next to Supernatural!" He said, walking in to find a rainbow coloured bed with My Little Pony plushies, and same as everyone else's, a desk and closet, quickly unpacking he went and met up with everyone, in the Living room of the big house.

When he got there, he sat oh the floor as everyone talked "This place is really nice!!" Pokemon said, Keroro nodded in agreement, "Yeah.... A little TOO nice..." Supernatural said " Yeah... I guess he just wants up to feel at home?" Hetalia slightly asked.

Les shrugged "Guess we just have to make the best of it... But.." Every one looked at her "What is it Les?" She took a deep breathe"What if someone does kill..??"

Everyone looked at each other. They didn't really think about that part. They had forgotten that they were being held captive some place they weren't familiar with, and that if the 'Man' behind all this wanted too, he could easily kill them.

This made everyone question everything, and now, either everyone in the room, were friends and loving family, or enemies, that wanted you dead, just so they could get out. Which was it?? They were all quiet, staring at each other "Guys!! Don't think like this!! We'd never kill each other!! Right?! Right?!!!!!" Doctor Who shouted. everyone nodded "Uh, where's Nikki?" Creepyasta asked, then something grabbed his arm him jump "I'm right here, stupid, I was taking a nap." Nikki said rubbing her eyes.

Everyone sighed "So what do we do now?" Sherlock asked "First things first." Hetalia said "Who's hungry?"


Gravity Falls, Pokemon and Keroro call Hetalia and Les, Papa and Mama, and Pokemon is my Bby


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