Knives and Pens?

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"A Fandom has been found!!!!" The voice said over the intercom. He laughed again "You'd think you'd all learn from watching what happened to Durarara, but I guess not, oh well at least this makes things less boring.... Anyway, you know the deal, time limit for looking for clues, good luck, timmme starts now!" He shouted as the intercom turned off.

Hetalia walking into the bathroom, kneeling next to Sonic's cold dead body, examining it for wound, which he found multiple stab wounds, but also, deep gouges, made by something small and round, but that's not only what surprised him, glancing down, next to the body, a pen, yes, a pen, but that made sense, it fit the small but deep holes perfectly also, a pair of rubber gloves covered in blood.

On Sonics left arm something was scared out, like the killer put it there and then changed his mind, maybe it gave away who he was. Trying his best, to get something out of it, he was able to get few letters.

P. A. S. N. T.

That was it, but, what did that spell??

After getting all the things the could the intercom rang again "Okay~ you all know what time it it~ time for the trial, see you all soon~ Uhuehuehuehue." The intercom shut off, as they all went to the meeting room. Sitting back where they were sitting before, but this time with two seats empty, Hetalia put the clues on the table, along with a piece of paper with those letters written on it.

"Let's began." Zero said, Hetalia nodded, " Alright... First.. Let's go over the pen... I don't really understand on why a pen was used-" Hetalia said, Nikki looked at it "Maybe to throw use off?? Like, well, no one around here has a pen, so, it could really be anyone.." She said.

" Yea, but girl, what you forget is that only two have knives." Loki said, crossing his arm, "That true, but that doesn't mean that someone can't just go to the kitchen and get one-" Creepypasta said.

Les snapped " Now that you mention it... A knife was missing from the kitchen.." She said. Hetalia then picked up the gloves "Well at least we can rule out Creepy and Nikki, sense bother of them don't mind getting their hands dirty."

Loki was sitting there, tapping his right index finger on the wooden table, finally, he shout " Would you hurry up?! I'm tired of all you peasants taking up my time!" He shouted and with that Hetalia smiled, soon picking up the paper, "Thank you for the answer... Loki..."

Loki quickly shut his mouth "How do you know it was him, someone could have framed him...?" Mlp said, Hetalia shook his head " No... The only one here... That doesn't like to get their hand dirty..."

Loki backed away, and when he did, something fell on the ground, the knife. Covered in blood. Loki looked to the ground, "Fine.... I did it.... But... But... I never wanted to hurt anyone!!! I just wanted out!!" He said with tears in his eyes.

" Loki fandom, you have failed, and have been caught, time for your penalty."


TWO CH4PT3RS 1N ON3 D4Y, ._. N3P3T4 1S GONN4 K1LL M3... OH W3LL, T3R3Z1 OUT,,,, P34C3!! >:]


// btw, there might be typos, but, meh, km tired, so.//

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