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Durarara walked through the large Iron door and it shut behind him. When it did, a wooden door appeared and opened by it's self. " Go on, go inside." Zero, order them. They all hurry through the door quickly as it shut. They found themselves in a room with a window, and through that window, they could see Durarara in the room across the glass.

It was clear that only they could see him, and he couldn't see them, which they were a little happy about. The screen with Zero Appeared in the room "Welome, Here is were you will watch the killers take on their penalties. Even if you don't wanna watch, you still have to. Maybe this will make you rethink your thoughts before killing one of your fellow Fandoms." He said giggling as he talked, then the screen disappeared and reappeared in the room with Durarara in it.

"Welcome, Durarara Fandom, as I said before you have been caught, now it's time for your punishment." Zero said, as a large Jack-in-the-Box Appeared in the middle of the room. Durarara turned around and stared at it, glazing at the size of the box. The box had a weird pattered on it that looked like blood spatter.

The handle on the box soon began to crack the box by itself, as it played a familiar toon. The song was Twinkly Twinkly Little Star but it sounded weird, like a dark version too the normal kids happy fun song. Zero started to sing along to it, as everyone's eyes winden to the lyrics;

Twinkly, Twinkly

Little star,

Let's see how fast your are,

Run away, hide and scream,

Get away before you bleed,

Twinkly, Twinkly

Little star,

Let's see how fast you are.

As the box stopped the twisted, dark toon, the top of the box popped open. But as they all asumed a fun little clown popping out of it, all they got was a loud cackle as something arose from the box, Face painted white, and eye's painted black, the clown stood there, laughing " Ohhahahahaha look! Some fun!!" He said cackling, pulling a large Ax from the box. Durarara backed away a little, after all he didn't have anything to fight with, so that's all he could do. " The Ax in my hand with chop you down, chop you down, chop you down, The ax in my hand will chop you DOWN!" The clown sung as he swung at Durarara. Durarara dodged as another box appeared and popped open "The Bombs in my bag go Boom boom boom, boom boom boom, boom boom boom!!" A red clown sung, throwing bombs at Durarara. As soon as he jumped to dodge, the white clown swung his ax cutting off Durarara's arm, as he screamed in pain.

Everyone in the other room gasped, as Durarara's arm flew across the white floor leaving a blood trail. The clown cackled at the sight of the blood "A beautiful sight!!" It said laughing "First your arm, next, your HEAD." The clown said.

Clutching his arm, Durarara was shaking as the clown continued to swing his ax. Although, next wasn't his head, more like his left leg, as he fell down trying to crawl and get away, the white faced and black eyed clown set the ax down and picked him up "Time for the BIGGGG FINISH!" He shouted holding Durarara's mouth open (you thinkin dirty ain't ya) as the red clown shoved three bombs down Durarara's throat " Heheh Boom Boom!!" He said giggling, as the white clown dropped Durarara.

Durarara, laying there, bleeding out from the massive wounds, waiting for the bombs to go off, staring at the window, right at everyone.

Tears in his eyes, gave a small smile then.


The Fandom exploded with a bloody sight, the white floor was painted in his crimson red blood. The Jacks went back into their boxes and the two white boxes were now red. Les covered Gravity Falls and Keroro Gunso's eyes.

Zero laughed " Uhuehuehuehue!! That was quite a show, wasn't it!!" He shouted laughing, " I thought he couldn't see us!!" Hetalia said "Well, at first he couldn't, but nearing the end, I allow him to see his family, watching and doing nothing as he was being beating and slaughtered, until the end."

Everyone looked at the ground, Dangan Ronpa glared "Just one question.." Zero stopped laughing "Yes?" Dangan Ronpa cleared her throught "Why mimic my Fandom??" She asked "Why? Why not." Zero said, then the screen cut off, It ended as quickly as it started and everyone went back to the rooms awaiting another day in this hell, they had to call home.



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