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" A Fandom has been found!!"

The happy voice on the intercom said, but as he was talking, everyone was busy rushing to the scene, where they saw something they wish they hadn't. Laying on the ground in a puddle of blood, was Pokemon.

The intercom rang again " Ohhh Sooo Sad!! Little Pokemon was murdered!! But anyway, for a short amount of time! You can search for clues, to see if you can find his killer,,,,and you better hurry..... After all... You don't want that child killer loose, do you?" He laughed then the intercom shut off.

Hetalia had to pull Les away from the cold dead body. Pokemon had very deep cuts all over his body, and his head was bashed in. He was curled up, like he was scared out of his mind.

"No! No!! My baby!! Hetalia let me go right now! He needs me!!" Les was in tears by now, She thought of Pokemon and the two other kids as her children, and to see one of them laying on the ground with his head bashed in. Well, her stomach felt twisted, like she was ready to throw up.

Trying to calm her down, Hetalia patted her head softly " Everyone! You heard the intercom. We have to find clues. Well, let go." Everyone nodded and they all got to work trying to find clues.

They started off the examining the body. They looked at the cuts on Pokemon's arms, torso, and back. They very deep ”Could this have been done with a knife??" Mlp asked, Hetalia shook his head " No... The cuts are too narrow.. It had to be something else..."

They looked around the place were Pokemon was laying, there was a vase laying on the ground broken and a little blood on the ground. Hetalia picked it up, looking at it, then put the glass in a bag. Then as he was walking, the sun hit something through the window on the ground next to Pokemon. Hetalia quickly picked it up. It was a piece of metal, and when he turned it around,  it was white, he had and idea on who it belonged to, he put that in a bag as well.

Les was walking around and saw something on the ground, she knelt down and picked it up. As she examined it, she realize it looked like grey hair. She put it in a bag and continued to look. Nikki was staring down at Pokemon, yeah she thought he was annoying, but she wouldn't kill him. Looking at him with a sad look, she glanced at is finger nails "What's... this??" She said picking up the dead Fandoms hand " Pa! Com'er!" She said, Hetalia walked over to her "It looks like paper under his fingers.."

Hetalia Nodded, but before he could say anything, they intercom interrupted his.

" Allllllll righty! that all the time!! Come to the meeting room! Its time for Judgment. "

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