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hello! this is the sequel to bright! it follows the journey of the avonlea kids through university. (based on anne of green gables/anne with an e)

• most characters belong to lucy maud montgomery •

characters usernames

Anne Shirley shirleyanne
Diana Barry dibarryyy
Ruby Gillis babyrubs
Jane Andrews plainjane
Josie Pye jpieeee
Tillie Boulter tilliebolts
Fleur Reynolds (OC) fleurrey
Gilbert Blythe gblythe
Charlie Sloan charlieissloandown
Moody Spurgeon moodyboy
Jerry Baynard jerrybaenard
Billy Andrews sillybilly
Cole Mackenzie cole
Aidan Holder (OC) holdera
Elliot Windsor (OC) elliotwindsor

an; there will be many more characters added into the story (as a lot of them go to different universities), but i cannot be bothered adding them here, sooo watch out for little notes at the bottom!!

also i made a spelling mistake in the last book with billy's name sooo i've fixed it now, but cbs going back and changing the entirety of the other book :)

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