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moodyboy we love christmastagged tilliebolts, shirleyanne, gblythe

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moodyboy we love christmas
tagged tilliebolts, shirleyanne, gblythe

3002 likes, 1426 comments

shirleyanne oh yes we dooooo
gblythe and we love u 2 moody
dibarryyy THIS IS SO CUTE
dibarryyy but @tilliebolts @shirleyanne come hang with the rest of us now!!
tilliebolts loving u xxxx

shirleyanne oh yes we dooooogblythe and we love u 2 moodydibarryyy THIS IS SO CUTEdibarryyy but @tilliebolts @shirleyanne come hang with the rest of us now!! tilliebolts loving u xxxx

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dibarryyy happy chrysler pals!!
tagged babyrubs, jpieeee, plainjane, shirleyanne, tilliebolts, fleurrey

3083 likes, 1426 comments

babyrubs ur fricking amazing di
fleurrey my lovelies!!
tilliebolts <3333333 u all
jpieeee fricking best
plainjane lovesss

shirleyanne ILOVEYOUDIANAbabyrubs ur fricking amazing difleurrey my lovelies!!tilliebolts <3333333 u alljpieeee fricking bestplainjane lovesss

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fleurrey matching ;))
tagged elliotwindsor

3628 likes, 1525 comments

ellitowindsor hehe (;
plainjane LOVE THIS AND U
dibarryyy cutiessss
babyrubs awww

ellitowindsor hehe (;plainjane LOVE THIS AND Udibarryyy cutiessssbabyrubs awww

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sillybilly merry christmouse (:
tagged holdera

3024 likes, 1253 comments

tilliebolts this is cute
holdera love u
dibarryyy yesyesyesyesyesyes
babyrubs LOVE

tilliebolts this is cuteholdera love udibarryyy yesyesyesyesyesyesbabyrubs LOVE

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babyrubs pj time
tagged dibarryyy, plainjane

2917 likes, 1363 comments

shirleyanne so pretty!!!
plainjane luv u girlies xx
dibarryyy iloveyouruby
cole cuties!

an; a very merry (late) christmas to all of you!!

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