lil note

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first and foremost, would like to majorly apologise for the [very] inconsistent updating of this book, ha ha ha! it's legit the 31st of december 2019 and i only JUST finished hehe. (gosh time flies fast)

(does anybody actually like the new covers of the 2 books in this series? i can change them back if you would like me to...)

next, an absolutely massive thanks to whoever read this and has stuck along with this silly roller coaster.

moreover, i am kinda sorry because the story sorta fizzled out as i was running low on ideas. lmao. OH ALSO, what did u guys think of the ending?1?1?2? pls comment lolz. #ineedvalidation

wait...ready for dis?1?1? i finally watched the finale...and...must i say...wOW WOW WOW!!!! the last scene and a bit...absolutely in love with it xjsjwkkqjwnwjxkckdk #mAjOr #hEaRt #eYeS
❤️👁 👄 👁❤️

so in conclusion, i will probably write like an actual book book, or a couple, with more words and a proper story and stuff, since i kinda have a bunch of ideas, buuuuut it'll depend on how productive i'm feeling!! (as it's holidays now so idkkkkk) what do y'all think? thumbs up or thumbs down????

thank u for listening to my ted talk...that's all folks! :)))

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