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jpieeee we got a stranger to take this for ustagged scarlettt, rosezim

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jpieeee we got a stranger to take this for us
tagged scarlettt, rosezim

3011 likes, 1204 comments

plainjane cuties naw
fleurrey stunning girls xx
scarlettt loving u both!!
peterwright ur ugly lolzor (:

direct message to jpieeee from jerrybaenard -

jerrybaenard: hey jos
jerrybaenard: I think you and me both know we need to talk.

jpieeee: yeah. we do.
jpieeee: I think we should take a break.
jpieeee: well I more mean break up

jerrybaenard: that's what I wanted to talk to u about as well
jerrybaenard: you've been really distant for the past few months and I kind of had a feeling something wasn't right

jpieeee: look jerry I'm sorry idk what more I can say
jpieeee: we've been apart so long, that i kind of developed feelings for another person
jpieeee: but I do still want to stay friends
jpieeee: because i do love u jerry but as friends rather than anything more...
jpieeee: I adore our friendship and I just want it to stay the same

jerrybaenard: yeah well I do too
jerrybaenard: but you know whenever people say that
jerrybaenard: most of the time
jerrybaenard: it doesn't work

an; oofty doofty sorry for this :/
scarlet johnson scarlettt

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