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jpieeee my eyes look a bit strangetagged rosezim, miiavb

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jpieeee my eyes look a bit strange
tagged rosezim, miiavb

3018 likes, 1727 comments

miiavb hot xx
cole ur so cute jos!
peterwright is that an alcohol next to you ?!
jerrybaenard stunning !!
rosezim I love you Josie 🤩🤩

direct message to jpieeee from peterwright -

peterwright: okay
peterwright: look
peterwright: I need to tell u something

jpieeee: okay what is it?

peterwright: but please, u can't get angry at me...ok?

jpieeee: okay?

peterwright: okay
peterwright: um here goes

jpieeee: just say it for crying out loud hahahah

peterwright: well
peterwright: ya see
peterwright: I kind of like you
peterwright: And I've sorta liked you ever since we first started hanging out
peterwright: BUT
peterwright: all I need you to do is say that you don't like me back (since you have a boyfriend)
peterwright: And then I can just get over it and move on
peterwright: Bc I don't want this to ruin our friendship
peterwright: okayyyy so just say you don't like me back?

jpieeee: well um
jpieeee: I can't

peterwright: why not?
peterwright: josie please

jpieeee: I can't say it because
jpieeee: because I think I like you too . . .

an; oOoooOo sorry for this but i need to spice things up a bit :)))

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