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jpieeee 🌞✨💛

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jpieeee 🌞✨💛

3615 likes, 1436 comments

tilliebolts pretty jos xo
jerrybaenard my girlfriend is a hottie x
peterwright when did u take this??
peterwright u legit stayed over and I've been with u bahahah
peterwright oh whatever
jerrybaenard ^ um what
rosezim sexyyyy 👅👅👅
miiavb what a catch bby

direct message to jpieeee from jerrybaenard -

jerrybaynard: hey jos
jerrybaenard: quick question

jpieeee: okay I know what ur going to say
jpieeee: but before u get angry
jpieeee: I only stayed at peter's house

jerrybaenard: how do u know what I'm going to ask???

jpieeee: fineeee
jpieeee: what is it you would like to ask?

jerrybaenard: why did u stay over at peter's house???

jpieeee: as I was saying
jpieeee: before u cut me off -_-
jpieeee: I only stayed at peters house bc there was a party the previous night and I couldn't be bothered going home
jpieeee: and besides
jpieeee: peter has told me who he likes so yeah

jerrybaenard: oh. okay.
jerrybaenard: sorry babe
jerrybaenard: I trust you it's just that ur so far away and anything could happen I guess
jerrybaenard: love u <3

jpieeee: yeah I get that
jpieeee: it's fine

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