Chapter 8

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Cast members

Sofia Carson  as Kyla leaney

Francisco lachowiski as Tyler Channell

Elizabeth Gillies as Melanie Hill

Toni Mahfud as Cameron Walker

Lili Reinhart as Stace Roberts

Zac Efron as Warren Sawyer

Gregg Sulkin as Bruce Williams

Dylan O'brien as Elmer Decker

Nina Dobrev as Jodie

Kyla's P.O.V.

My two hour shift at the pizza palace was the borriest one I had  had in a long time. There was no Mel to keep checking up on me to see if my shift was almost over so she could pick me up.

Or even to call so we could gossip about guys and stuff. There was no single text from her asking if I wanted her to pick me up or if I had a ride home.

And to think that I once thought her calls werw annoying at times. I missed them so much. I probably  checked my phone more than ten times before I decided to let it go for the time being .

"Having a hard time? "Elmer asked as he leaned close to the counter.

"Is it that obvious?"

"You have barely said a word since you got here and we both know that's saying a lot since you are the one who literally makes this place lively."

We both laughed at that. I'm not even going to try and deny that I can be so loud at times around  people I'm comfortable with.

"And with that scroll on your face and the way you keep checking your phone every minute,way to make it obvious,"he concluded as he got behind the counter.

"Well what can I say I literally just lost my best friend. We had this huge fight where she thought I was been so closed off and I didn't share my problems with her. I'm not even going to try and ask how she knows I'm keeping things from her you know? "

It never crossed my mind how she would have found out but as I was talking to Elmer that crossed my mind. There were only three people who knew a lot about me and those  were Elmer,Mrs. Alyssa and Melanie. Elmer was Mrs.Alyssa's nephew and they were pretty close given that they only had each other well apart from that arrogant bastard who was Mrs. Alyssa's husband.

The guilty expression on Elmer's face as he spoke confirmed my suspicions.

"I'm sorry about that Kyla you know how my aunt gets. She knows how much Melanie means to you and it's either I did it or she would have. "

"Naah it's okay. Maybe it was easier she found out the way she did. I don't even think I could have been able to tell her myself. "

After that time seemed to fly and it was finally time for me to check out. Not that my shift was over but Elmer had insisted on coverering thirty minutes for me so that I could talk it out with Mel before we had to leave for the party. I was finally able to come up with an idea on how I could get Mel back thanks to saint Elmer. Bless that soul.

As usual my worst nightmare who seemed to have no life before me called. Yes I'm guessing you have already figured that it's Mr. Jamieson. He was back to blackmailing me and I did not know what was worse. The fact that I believed him when he said he was coming to L.A to get me or the fact that I knew he was a creep and a  freak. For Christ's sake the weekend  wasn't even over and he couldn't stop blowing my phone up.

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