Chapter 26

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Cast members

Sofia Carson as Kyla leaney

Francisco lachowiski as Tyler Channell

Elizabeth Gillies  as Melanie Hill

Toni Mahfud as Cameron Walker

Lili Reinhart as  Stace Roberts

Zac Efron as Warren Sawyer

Gregg Sulkin as Bruce Williams

Dylan O'brien as Elmer Decker

Nina Dobrev as Jodie

Kyla's P.O.V

I wake up to fnd that I'm all alone in bed. I call out to Tyler thinking that maybe he is in the bathroom but there is no answer. I pull the sheets up my body as I make my way to the bathroom and notice a piece of paper on my side of the bed.

Morning cupcake.
Dress up and meet me in the kitchen. I'll be downstairs making  breakfast for my babe's.

Your boo

I laugh at his choice of word for me and our baby as I hop into the shower. I have a hard time moving around the shower seeing as my legs are still wobbly from last night and I'm a bit sore. No wonder I got pregnant. All the unprotected sex we have been having this was bound to happen.

I make it out of the shower half an hour later and dress up in a cute summer dress. Tyler bought it for me when he took me out on a date one time and it has been my favourite ever since.

I make my way downstairs as I try to find the kitchen. It's not that hard to find given the noise that is coming from there.

"Let me help you son,"his mum says as I watch from the doorway trying not to laugh.

"No ma. You won't always be there to make it for her and she won't be able to make it seeing that she's pregnant. Let me do it,"he says as he throws away the cake mixture he had wrongly made.

"Atleast let me make it while you watch so you can learn, "she says trying to reason with him but he's beyond reasoning.

I make my way into the kitchen announcing my presence.

"Hey,"I say to his mum as I make my way towards them to see what they are upto.

"Hello darling. Please knock some sense into him before he makes the place even messier, "his mum says as he exits the kitchen leaving us all by ourselves.

"What are you doing babe?"I ask him as he leans down for a kiss.

"I'm making the both of you breakfast or atleast I'm trying,"he says as he rubs light circles on my stomach.

"You could have just made pancakes."

"I know how you love chocolate and I wanted to make you mum's famous chocolate cake but it's harder than I thought,"he says pointing to the bin.

"It's okay babe. We can carry the recipe and try it back at home."

"Mmh I like the sound of that. I love it when you refer to my place as home. Our home. Our baby's home,"he says as he kisses my forehead.

"Who's baby?"Cameron asks as he walks in wih Mel and Warren follows them behind with Jodie trailing behind them. That was fast.

"Our baby,"Tyler says with a big smile on his face.

"Are you guys pregnant?"Warren asks making eveyone in the kitchen laugh."Okay you know what I meant,"he says as he too realizes what he just said.

"Kyla's pregnant,"Tyler says proudly which is followed by congratulatory messages from Warren, Cameron and even Jodie surprisingly.

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