Chapter 1 (Zombie Family)

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The sun shining through the windows made me want to snuggle back into the covers. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes. Waking up in my room, in my childhood house, where I have lived for the past 17 years, I realised that this would be just another day of my life.

High school for me was not what anyone would typically read in teenage books or see in the movies. Nobody I knew had blue or green eyes. It was just all those plain, normal and boring combinations of brown and black eyes with brown and black hair. There was no super hot guy that every girl died over and he certainly wasn't the school's football captain. I wasn't the lonely shy girl who had only two friends at school and suddenly met the school's Romeo and fell in love.

I honestly didn't understand what people went through when writing such clichés. First of all, everyone of us had a real life and sometimes the words written down in ink were just our fantasy wanting some light. Living in another dream world was just hopeless.

Sighing, I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom. Straight after brushing my teeth, I didn't even bother to wash my face. I went down to the kitchen, taking my coco puffs, milk and a bowl. I was cuckoo for coco puffs.

Whatever happened, I would never miss breakfast. I loved breakfast. It's the first thing I need in the morning; not coffee, not showers, but my sweet yummy breakfast. Plus I hated coffee, tea or anything related to the two. I didn't understand how one can even drink them. They were just so bitter. Yuck.

After breakfast, I made my way back to the bathroom, did my business and went back to my room getting ready for school. Wearing a denim sweater inside my Abaya (traditional black muslim garment) and my hijab (used to cover the head), I grabbed my bag after praying and went downstairs to another busy day in the kitchen. Earlier it was quieter and now, you would think that you were in another place. It's just that everyone was up- my mom, dad, my older brother and my older sister, my sister's husband and their two kids. Even though it was a big family, it never got boring. The sounds of dishes and plates were all around.

"Assalamu Alaikum," I said to everyone.

"Walaikum Salaam," they all said at once, making it sound robotic.

I pulled a seat in between my brother and sister, watching my mom make pancakes. I decided to help her and took the plates and gave everyone their pancakes. She smiled at me as I placed my hands over her from behind, engulfing her in a hug. Her brown hair got caught in my face and I tied it before it annoyed her. She and I had the exact same features- hazel eyes with brown hair and we both were fairly tall. She kissed my cheeks and went back to work.

My mom, Sumaiya, was my favourite person in this whole world. She was the sister I never had, except I did have a sister but we really weren't that close growing up. She was my best friend and my everything. Somehow all I needed was to see her smile and everything would be alright.

Everyone quietly ate their breakfast, a little chit chat here and there. Even though we all loved each other very much, my family wasn't a typical family who would show their love in the morning. Where I lived, everyone was practically a zombie in the morning.

"I'm done. Let me just grab my keys and we can leave OK?" said Imran. Imran was my brother, who was 24 years old, and was currently working in some company, earning a decent amount for himself. He left home as soon as he started working for himself, living independently.

Where we came from, the women stayed at home, whereas men earned for a living, but I hoped to change that one day. I nodded to Imran and we both started walking towards the door.

At this point breakfast was over and everyone started to leave for work. My sister, Amira, lived pretty far with her husband and two kids but would drop in on the weekends and would leave first thing on Monday morning.

Once we reached school, which was a 10 minutes drive, I got out of the car and was about to close the door when Imran stopped me.

"You be careful in school ok? Don't go doing anything stupid again."

A mischievous grin made its way onto my lips, but I suppressed it. Tightening my hold on the strap of my bag, I nodded and went inside the school, ready to start another day.



Assalamu Alaikum: May Peace be Upon You. (A form of greeting like saying Hello, but in Arabic.)

Walaikum Salam: And to you be peace together with Allah's Mercy. (A reply to the Greeting.)

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