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Lillian Rogers is Steve's sister who is about 11 years younger than him, and when Steve crashed into the ocean she was only 9 years old. Having no other family Peggy Carter and Howard Stark took the young girl in until, five years later when she was 14 Hydra launched an attack and kidnapped her.

After being kidnapped she was experimented on and also had the super soldier serum injected into her, but they didn't stop there, instead they kept on experimenting until Lilly became very powerful, she was already extremely intelligent yet they made her even smarter, she also gained powers over nature, she was also given healing powers, teleportation, invisibility and much like Wanda when she used some of her powers a green glow escaped her instead of red, and she also had a kind of mind block in her mind, although that is where Hydra considered her a failure, because of the mental block she couldn't be brainwashed again and again like the winter soldier could, she could be brainwashed but it wouldn't last for very long and she would be able to break free after a while and so they kept her frozen most of the time until they needed her not wanting to waste her.

At first, Hydra were going to kill Lilly because she was only a lab rat to them, they only used her to test new stuff out on her, but they couldn't kill her because even though his memory had been erased Bucky still had a strong bond with her and became very protective of her. Lilly usually went on missions with the winter soldier and she followed behind him everywhere thus gaining the name, the shadow, although she had never killed a person in her life she usually just went to make sure The Winter Soldier was safe and would heal him when he was hurt, because she was equally as protective of him as he was to her.

Lillian's first appearance was in Captain America The First Avenger she had a small role and was properly seen when Bucky and Steve went out, she was on Bucky's shoulders during the Stark Expo and was seen again telling Steve she loved him right before he crashed into the ocean. She was also seen in The Avengers during a flashback that Steve had, but her first big role was in Captain America The Winter Soldier when Steve sees her and Bucky for the first time after being out of the ice, after Steve says Bucky's names it triggers her memories and she ends up helping Steve, Sam, Natasha, and Fury stop Hydra. Lillian was also in The Avengers Age of Ultron, in which she was seen lifting Thor's hammer at the after party before Ultron came. She was ready to fight but Steve wouldn't let her because he thought she was too young, so she ended up sneaking out and fighting anyways much to Steve's dismay and she felt extreme guilty for Pietro's death as she believed that if she had gotten to him earlier she could've healed him.

After Steve, Lillian is closest to Tony not only because she felt like she owed it to Howard but because they got on greatly and appreciated each other's humor, she was also very close to Thor because she enjoyed his always positive attitude and she enjoyed teaching him earth customs, plus he had taken her on a trip to Asgard where she had met Loki and they actually quite liked each other. Lillian was extremely close to the rest of the Avengers as well and saw them all as her family.

Lillian had frequently gone to visit Peggy after recovering all her memories and they still loved each other like family.

In Civil War Lillian is technically 87 years old but is mentally and physically 15 years old.

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