Chapter 2

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"I thought you were dead." He tells me taking a step forward "I-" I was unable to reply as we hear sirens, I go back to being invisible as hydra agents swarm my brother and his friends.

I watch silently as an agent comes and yells at them "Drop the shield, Cap! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" Steve holds his hands up" Get on your knees! Down!" He kicks Steve's leg and Steve kneels down. "Don't move." The agent looks at the helicopter flying above them and warns another who's holding Steve at gunpoint. "Put the gun down. Not here. Not here!" The agent lowers his gun, then Hydra agents take Steve and the others into custody.

I follow after them invisibly into the car and as a guard helps them out and escorts them to a private facility, she wasn't working for Hydra she'd gone to rescue them. Once they get out of the van I turn myself visible, the new lady pulls her gun out on me instantly but I raise my hands and Steve shields me. "Whoa whoa." He says standing in front of me. "Who are you?" She asks me sternly, "I'm a friend, I'm a friend, I don't mean any harm." I tell her quickly my heart beating out of my chest, I didn't wanna be shot. "Why did you follow us." My wide eyes flicker from Steve to the lady, "it's ok Hill, lower your gun." He instructs, "come on, she's just a kid." Steve's male friend interjects looking at the fear on my face. "A kid who fights like an assassin." The red haired one interjects glaring at me.

"I followed you because of my brother, I thought he was dead." The friends eyes widen as he recognises me, "that's Steve's sister, Lillian." I nod, "y-yeah." Steve looks at me his eyes softening at the fear on my face, "Hill we can trust her." The agent she still seems unconvinced but she lowers her gun, "you work for Hydra." She accuses making me shake my head, "No, they abducted me a while ago, I didn't want to be there." I tell them watching the anger and sadness grow on Steve's face as he looks at me.

The other three go slightly ahead leaving Steve and I alone, he looks like there's so much he wants to say yet he says nothing, and I understand because I feel the same. "When I came back I checked for you, you went missing in 1948 presumed to be dead." He tells me sadly, "hydra took me then, they didn't all go down when you thought." I tell him, "what did they do to you?" I look down those memories were not my fondest, "experiments, torture, you name it and they've probably done it." His jaw clenched and he pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry." He whispers making my eyes tear up, "it's not your fault Steve," I tell him hugging him tightly.

"I wasn't there." He murmurs, "it's ok, I'm ok." I assure him crying into his shoulder. "Lil, you shouldn't have had to go through that you're a child, you were supposed to live your life." He tells me, "so were you."


"GSW. She's lost at least a pint." Agent hill tells a doctor as Steve and I catch up, "Maybe two." Steve's friend Sam adds, "Let me take her." The doctor says, "She'll want to see him first." Hill takes us to the previous target, Fury who's alive and lying in bed, the trio and I looking at him in shock. "About damn time." He says eyes narrowing on my brother until they turn to me, "who the hell brought this child here?" He asks making me take a nervous step so I was half shielded by Steve. "She was with Hydra, we rescued her." My eyes snap to agent Hill, "nobody rescued me, I rescued myself." Natasha smiles slightly in my direction as does the director.


"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, one hell of a headache." Fury lists his injuries to us as we sat and around him, "Don't forget your collapsed lung." The doctor adds as he's about to look at Natasha's shoulder, "Oh, let's not forget that. Otherwise, I'm good." Fury remarks making me smile as I move from besides Steve to Natasha, "They cut you open, your heart stopped." She says as I peer at the wound.

"Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it." Natasha notices me looking, but doesn't say anything as Steve opens his mouth. "Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?" He asks confused, "Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful." Hill answers, "Can't kill you if you're already dead. Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust." Fury adds.

"Yes?" Natasha asks me as she notices me still looking, "I can heal you." I tell her stopping the doctor from picking up his tools, "you? You're a child let me stitch her wound." He scoffs making me annoyed at his tone, I push the tools back onto the table, making Steve come over to us, "Lillian-" I cut him off, "I can heal her without stitching her up, using any equipment or leaving a scar." I tell the doctor in a firmer tone. Natasha's eyebrows raise, "show us then." She prompts.

"This may feel weird so don't freak out ok?" I warn and she nods a small amused smile making its way to her face. I put a hand on her shoulder gently making sure not to hurt her and I close my eyes concentrating on healing her. I hear three gasps as they witness the wound closing on itself as a green mist leaves my hands and fixes the hole. "You were saying?" I question the doctor with a smile as he looks at me in shock hearing both Natasha and Steve chuckle.

"Thanks kid." Natasha grins running her finger over the now smooth skin, "it's ok, sorry about fighting you before, you can say that I wasn't in the right state of mind." Her eyebrows furrow slightly but she nods, "it's alright you've redeemed yourself."

"Where in the hell did you learn to do that?" Fury asks me after watching the whole thing go down, "it came after one of the experiments." I shrug watch Steve's eyebrows furrow, "one of? Can you do other things." I nod, "like what?" Fury asks, "um I can teleport and turn invisible." I tell him, "show me." Steve steps forward, "you don't have to Lilly," he says shooting fury a stern glare. "It's ok." I shrug turning invisible, "where are you?" I lift Steve's arm making him jump slightly, "can you only turn yourself invisible?" I grip onto Steve's arm and he disappears to everyone other than me, "only for a short while." I say turning us both visible, "It's- I'm not that strong." I inform him. "And the teleportation how does that work?" Fury asks, "this is not an interrogation, lay off." Steve says pulling me behind him. "Rogers-" he shakes his head, "she's a kid, I already know what you're thinking."

"It's ok Steve I don't mind answering the questions." I tell him not wanting them to think I'm bad or anything. "Lils it's ok you've done enough." I nod, before looking back to the director who was in lots of pain. "Do you want me to heal you?" I question peeping out from behind Steve. I felt bad knowing I could help but wasn't.

"Can you? It's not one small bullet wound." I teleport over to his side, "um my healing is probably the strongest since I've used it the most, but I don't know if I can heal you completely." I tell him truthfully, "every little helps." I smile and take his hand into mine, closing my eyes again I focus on healing him. This time it was a bit harder since he had many injuries and since I was already tired.

My head begins to hurt as I began over exerting myself, I felt some liquid run from my nose meaning it was time to stop, it was most probably blood. "I'm sorry but that's all I can do." I tell him pull away, my hand going to my head which was throbbing, "that's ok you've done plenty little lady, thank you." I smile and move back lifting my hand to my nose to see it stain crimson, I was right, it was blood.

"Lillian." Steve says in worry lifting my face to inspect, "it's ok Steve it happens sometimes, at hydra they wouldn't even let me stop, not until I passed out." I tell him making him frown, "well you're not at hydra anymore, you're safe, with me, I won't let anything happen to you."

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