Chapter 3

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I had eavesdropped on the plan and stepped forward as they tried to leave, "I'm coming with you." Steve stops and gives me a hard stare, "like hell you are." He says putting his hands on his hips, "you can't stop me, you need me, I'm the only person Bucky won't fight." His stare doesn't waver, "I've been training since 1948, I can handle myself anyways hydra have been sending me out for decades, I heal extremely fast, can keep myself invisible from enemies and teleport away rapidly." I tell him crossing my arms and matching his stare. "Well she makes a compelling case." Fury hums from behind Steve, "she can handle her own Steve, I fought her and she came out unscathed." Natasha adds sending me a smile. "You're wasting time." I add making him sigh, "fine, but you stay hidden and only fight if necessary." I hide a smile, "don't worry I know."


I was on the sidelines for now, my job was to try and stop them setting off the helicarriers, so I kept myself invisible but stood in the crowded area of where the agents were. After Steve's speech I see the agents reactions and I try to suss out who was shield and who was Hydra.

"Preempt the launch sequence. Send those ships up now." One of the Hydra agents instructs a tech guy who hesitates visibly. "Is there a problem?" The agent asks the afraid man, I focus on the agent for a second, I knew him, he was the one who brainwashed me last, I remember how he pulled my hair way harder than necessary and the sadistic grin on his face as he watched me in pain.

"I'm..." the tech guy shakes his head nervously, "Is there a problem?" He repeats, "I'm sorry, sir." The tech takes a few nervous breaths before replying, "I'm not gonna launch those ships. Captain's orders." Rumlow points his gun at the tech's head, "Move away from your station." I feel bad for the poor guy he seems very afraid. I'm about to intervene but another agent walks over to Rumlow pointing her gun at him. "Like he said!" Suddenly all the agents in the room have drawn their weapons, "Captain's orders."

"You picked the wrong side, Agent." He huffs, "Depends on where you're standing." She tells him making Rumlow drops his gun, but as he does he grabs his knife and cuts the Agents arm, leading to the agents firing their guns, amidst the bullets, Rumlow goes for the screen to release the helicarriers I quickly make myself visible in front of him. "You know what to do." I give him a dead stare and a nod before I punch him in the stomach, his eyes widen as he realises what's happened, I'm not on his side.

We engage in combat, this wouldn't be the first time, he throws punches at me but I manage to dodge them, perks of being smaller. I land a punch on his chest winding him for a moment. In his distraction I slide underneath his legs and then jump onto his back, beginning to choke him from behind. He struggles to get me off as he begins to lose consciousness, and so he throws himself back onto the floor. I take a second to recover but when I do he's at the computer again. He's typing rapidly, and just as I'm about to stop him I get shot in the stomach.

I grunt in pain as I fish the bullet from the wound watching Rumlow smirk at me before running off, quickly healing the small hole I teleport away, I had a chip in case of this, I had to put it into the helicarrier to disable the signal. I teleported into a helicarrier as the boys fought and put the chip in easily, "alpha lock." I tell Hill before teleporting to her. "Good job." She says before taking out two agents from the door way. "Six minutes." She informs the team.

After a small delay Sam then manages to get his done, and then it's left to Steve. As the time goes on I begin to get worried it shouldn't take this long, the helicarriers were empty, they didn't have anyone on them and so swapping the chips should be simple. Then it dawned on me, Bucky was there, he was with Steve that's why he was taking his time.

I teleport in to see Bucky shooting up at Steve, "soldier." After his attention is turned to me he looks relived, "где тебя носило?" He asks me where I've been, I glance at Steve for second but it gives him his answer, he realises that I'm with the target. "No." I nod, "не заставляй меня делать это маленький." We look at each other in regret, as he holds his gun up at me. "Lillian." Steve says warningly from above, "don't focus on me Steve, it's ok." I tell him before looking back at Bucky, "все нормально." I tell him softly making him close his eyes and look away, "I can't." He tells me dropping his gun just as Steve says Charlie lock, he'd done it.

"Lillian leave." Steve tells me as he instructs hill to take out the helicarriers, I don't know what to do I couldn't leave them, Bucky sends me a nod of encouragement also wanting me to go. I turn myself invisible there was no way I was leaving them both to die again, I just needed to wait for the perfect opportunity to grab a hold of both of them and then teleport the three of us to safety.

I watch Steve help Bucky from a piece of the carrier that had fallen on him. And then tell him that he wasn't going to fight but Bucky tackles him, I watch in worry as Steve is about to let himself be killed, I need to knock Bucky out from behind, before I can move Bucky doesn't hit Steve again, his hand hovers and he looks to him in an unsure manner he doesn't want to kill him. Suddenly the helicarriers collapses over them and Steve falls through, I rush over to the side to see him falling, I wanted to help him but I couldn't, I was too scared. I didn't like the water, it had been a form of torture for me at Hydra, they would drown me over and over so now I had a slight fear of being submerged.

Luckily I don't have to as Bucky drops out to go and retrieve Steve. I peer down for a moment to make sure they're ok before I get out except a large piece of metal and glass rain down on me, knocking me down and out of the carrier.


When I wake I found myself next to Steve in the mud beside the water, Bucky was no where in sight. I crawl over to my brother and put my hands on him as I use whatever little energy I had left to heal him, it would stall my own healing but that was ok, Steve needed it more.


When Steve wakes in the hospital he looks to his side to see a badly bruised Sam sat there, "on your left." He says through difficultly although it catches the mans attention, the two smile at each other until a thought dawns on Steve. "Where is she?" His fear spikes as he notices the drop in Sams smile, "she- she's in another room, she hasn't healed or woken since we found her. Steve pushes himself up, "what happened?" He asks forcing himself out of bed, "hey man I don't think-"

"Where is she?" Begrudgingly Sam takes Steve to where Lillian lay lifeless in the hospital bed, "what happened?" He asked examining the cuts and bruises that decorated her skin. "She was in the helicarrier when it went down, we found her next to you, she had used her energy to heal you as best as she could until..." Steve turns to Sam noticing his hesitance on continuing, "her body shut down, she's not healing herself like she should, they only thing she's doing is breathing and that's barely." Steve sinks into the seat beside her and drops his head, "will she get better?" He asks hopelessly glancing at his a baby sister who looked dead.

"They don't know." He lets out a sigh, "I shouldn't have let her come with us." He says grabbing onto her small hand. "It's not your fault man." Sam tries to console, "I'm her big brother I'm supposed to protect her."

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